
I went to trending searches.

Ted Kaczynski is blowing up!

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

I just noticed that Oedipus is trending.

It's gotta be for a motherfucking reason.

So I saw that Princess Diana is trending on tumblr.

She's all over the dashboard!

With #DiaperDon trending on Twitter, his weird dancing makes since.

He’s trying to wiggle out his poo.

"Ebola" is trending on Twitter...

...does that mean it's gone viral?

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

There was a little girl who really loved dolls. She had a big collection of them in her bedroom.

There was a little girl who really loved dolls. She had a big collection of them in her bedroom. One day, while she was browsing through a shop on her own, she spotted a really beautiful doll. It would make a perfect addition to her collection. She only hoped she had enough money to buy it.


Call of Duty

Military Coup Edition trending in Moscow.

What do you call a Disease which is #1 in Trending?

A Viral Disease.

Roses are red, I've got a bad cough

Settings -> Notifications -> Trending -> **OFF**

How do all these anti-Trump Youtube videos make it to Trending in a matter of minutes?

Fake views.

Not Bragging

Not to brag but I used hand soap before it was trending.

I keep submitting jokes to Reddit but none of them get popular. Last week I posted ten puns!

I thought at least one of them would get trending.

As it turned out, no pun in ten did.

Jeff Bezos paid a Brazilian arsonist

Desperate to get #AmazonFire trending.

What's the difference between good jokes and bad ones?

I never get notifications that good jokes are trending on reddit.

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