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I love my six pack so much,

I protect it with a layer of fat.
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What do you get when you shoot four bullets into a six pack?

A Tupac...
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I have the best six pack out there

2 x Salt and Vinegar
2 x Ready Salted
2 x Cheese and Onion
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The best way to get a six pack at the gym

is to take the beer from your fridge and smuggle it in.
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What do you call a Snowman with a six pack?


An abdominal Snowman. ;)
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My son was showing his six pack abs and said " This doesn't happen by accident".

I replied " well if you ask your mother,she might tell you otherwise" .
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People with AB blood type develop a six pack more easily

It's literally in their blood
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My grandma told me this joke and I felt like I needed to share it.

While shopping in a food store, two nuns happened to pass by the beer cooler. One nun said to the other, "Wouldn't a nice cool beer or two taste wonderful on a hot summer evening?"

The second nun answered "Indeed it would Sister, but I wouldn't feel comfortable buying beer as I am certain tha...
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Why is crucified Jesus always depicted with six pack abs?

He did CrossFit.
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I got a six pack for my wife...

Best trade I ever made...
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A guy is buying some game DVDs, some magazines and a six pack.

Cashier : "You must be single."

Guy: "Wow, how did you know?"

Cashier: "Because you're ugly."
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I was stood in front of the mirror earlier, admiring my six pack.

Then it occurred to me, why the hell am I not drinking it?
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College student climbs into the back of an Uber and asks the driver "Do you have room up there for a pizza and a six pack'?

"Sure" said the driver.
So the kid leaned forward and threw up.
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Why is Jesus always shown with a six pack of abs?

Because hes Cross fit.

Happy easter!
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I decided to show off my six pack on Tinder.

Budweiser is not getting me any dates.
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Why does the penis have a knob at the end?

This question has bothered mankind for hundreds of years. Finally an American University commissioned a $100,000 study and after many months of research concluded that its purpose was to give the man more pleasure during sex.

The conclusions were not universally accepted and the French Govern...

Saw Mill Accident

Two coworkers at the saw mill witness a horrible accident that claims the life of their friend Earl. They decide their first course of action would be to inform Earl's wife, who neither of them have ever met. Ultimately, the first worker says he'll go.

About ten minutes later, he returns with...
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During the summer I bought two six packs of beer that was on sale

During the summer I bought two six packs of beer that was on sale. I placed them on the front seat of the car and headed back home.

I stopped at a service station where a drop-dead gorgeous, almost blonde, was filling up her car at the next pump.

It was very warm and she was wearing ...

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A boy and his father are shopping when they pass the condom aisle. The boy sees three pack sizes of condoms, a pack of three, one of six, and one of twelve. He grabs the three pack.

The father says, “Those are for high schoolers. One for Friday, one for Saturday, and one for Sunday.”


My dad is a magician.

He could turn a six pack into domestic violence!
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What's an Irish seven course meal?

a six pack and a bag of chips
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Two Pakistani guys move to Australia…

When they get off the plane one of the Pakistani guys says to the other,

“You know what? We’re both from Pakistan but seeing as we’re in Australia why don’t we immigrate for real? I mean really become true blue Aussies! Here’s my idea: You and me part ways for six months and try and soak up t...

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A group of eels are chilling in the river...

When a full tuxedo comes drifting downstream.

Danny, the leader of the bunch, turns to his three pals.

"Holy shit guys, now's our chance!"

"Yeah!" says Tommy, "Let's get drunk!"

So Tommy threads himself through the pants of the tux in a U shape, forming a nice looking pai...

Two prawns, named Christian and Terry are off on their morning swim.

Soon they discover a codfish caught in a six pack ring. Cursing the humans, Christian and Terry help the poor fish out of his predicament. Now freed, he begins to glow mysteriously.

“Thank you,” he says. “My name is Cod, and I’m a wish-granting codfish. I’d like to grant each of you one wish ...
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How would you describe a bodybuilder who doesn't have six packs

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(Long) Crashing Plane

The pilot comes on the intercom and announces "ladies and gentlemen we just lost our engines, we are going down, prepare to crash."


A good looking guy gets up, walks to her, and takes...

A guy walks into a liquor store without a mask on...

He says, "I'd like a six pack of bud light and a case of corona"
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A young man walks into a convenience store

He opens up the beer cooler and grabs a six pack. An old man standing next to him gives him a look, and the young man says "how much do you want to bet they'll sell me this beer even though I'm not twenty-one?" The old man says "they even check MY ID here. Twenty bucks."

"You're on." The youn...
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A little old lady

checked into a motel on her 70th birthday, but she was a bit lonely.

She thought,

"I'll call one of those men you see advertised in the phone books for escorts and sensual massages."

She looked through the phone book, found a full page ad for a guy calling himself Tender Tony - ...

What do you call a group of 6 Chinese tourists in a small car?

A Six pack of Corona Extra.
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billy joe redneck has 10 kids...

so he decides its time for a vasectomy. he goes to the doctor who explains the procedure and the cost. billy joe asks if theres a cheaper way to handle this... the doc says "aren't you billy joe the redneck? heres what you need to do, drink a six pack, but in the last can light a cherry bomb, drop i...
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A knock at the door

Every day, Jim gets two six packs on the way home from work. When he gets home, he sits in his living room until they're gone. One day, just as he's getting to the end of the last beer, he hears a knock at the door. He goes to answer it, and sees a six foot tall grasshopper. Before he can say a word...
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A Little Rabbit is running happily through the woods when he comes across a Giraffe rolling a joint. He runs up the Giraffe and says, "Hey, Giraffe. You shouldn't do that. Think of your health. You should come running in the woods instead!" The Giraffe looks at the Little Rabbit, looks at the spliff...

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Little Jonny and Uncle Ted

A classroom of elementary school students were discussing morals to stories one day. The teacher completed the lesson and with a few minutes left in the class asked, "does anyone have any stories with morals that they would like the share?" Kids hands shot up and the teacher pointed to Suzzy.

So I was walking through rural Georgia when...

...I passed a little lady with white hair and deep wrinkles sitting on her front porch who waved to me. I decided to amble up, say hello, and see if I could determine the secret to her longevity.

She told me her name was Ida and that she'd lived in this house her whole life, just as her par...
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A birthday gift for a friend

I have a buddy who is a bit of a beer snob. For his 30th birthday, he asked for a six pack with a matching pint glass from each of his friends. I decided I would drive a couple hours to pick up his gift from his new favorite brewery (which happened to also be my new favorite brewery.)

I had t...

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A guy goes to the supermarket..

He shops around for a while getting some items then proceeds to the register.

Cashier: "ok sir, six pack of beer, frozen lasagna, Doritos, hot pockets, and peanut butter. So how's single life?"

Guy "wow, you can tell I'm single because of the items I'm buying?"

Cashier: "no, it...

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A 3rd grade teacher asked her students to tell a story with a moral...

... John volunteers first and says, "One time I was picking eggs from the hen house and stuffed them all up into one basket. When I was walking back inside I tripped and almost half the eggs fell out and broke. The moral of the story is: don't put all your eggs in one basket."

"Good", said th...

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It's a Saturday evening...

It's a Saturday evening. A man goes up to the register in a supermarket, bearing a six pack of beer, a bag of chips, some dip, a pint of ice cream, and toilet paper. The cashier says, "Single, huh?"

The man laughs and says, "Yeah, how can you tell?"

The cashier says, "Because you're ug...

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First Date

A Man and a Woman are on their first date ….

Lady: Do you drink?

Man: Yes

Lady: How much a day?

Man: Three six packs

Lady: How much per six pack?

Man: About $10.00

Lady: And how long have ...

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3 test in hell

Three guys die and go to hell. The devil greets them and says: "to show u guys that I'm not such a bad guy, Il give you 3 test and if you pass them Il send you to heaven". The three men are very exited and ask what the test are. Well, you can do them in any order but must do all 3. One of them is yo...

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Father takes his son to the pharmacy...

They are walking down an aisle and the son see's a 3 pack of condoms and asks "Father what are these?"

The father replies, "Well son those are for high school boys, one for Friday one for Saturday and one for Sunday."

They keep on walking and the son see's a six pack and asks, "Dad thi...

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