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My friend is spreading rumours about me being schizophrenic.

Well, three can play that game!
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I was dating a schizophrenic chick and

I left her cause she was seeing other people
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My roommate claims i’m schizophrenic.

Jokes on him, I don’t have a roommate.
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I hate being schizophrenic

So do I
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I asked the voice in my head, "Do you think we're schizophrenic?"

It said, "Really? Come on, man. What are the chances we're *both* schizophrenic?"
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Do you know what's the worse part of being a paranoid schizophrenic?

Who the hell is asking? Why do you want to know? Leave me alone! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhh!
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The best thing about sex as a schizophrenic?

It's always an orgy.

A schizophrenic goes to see his psychologist.

The man say’s “look doc you have to help me I think I’m a dog”
The doc says “ok lay down on the couch and tell me all about it”.
The man says “I’m not allowed on the couch”.
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I may be schizophrenic...

...but at least i have each other.
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If you're hearing voices from God: Are you a prophet, a Pentacostal, or a schizophrenic?

Pastor: "Tell that to a philosopher."

Me: "Even better, a psychologist."
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My mother has schizophrenic episodes

She lives in a nice house next to the San Francisco Bay, on a small melon farm (her choice...). She's an excellent farmer, even in her old age. And honestly she's a wonderfully sweet woman. But increasingly I find it very hard to visit. The problem is that when she has her schizophrenic episodes...
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I know I'm schizophrenic...

but at least I've got each other.
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My chauffeur is schizophrenic.

He drives me crazy.
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Did you hear the joke about the schizophrenic?

So did he.
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What Do You Call A Schizophrenic Nun?

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A schizophrenic man walks into a bar...

And orders a drink.
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What did the schizophrenic accountant say?

I hear invoices!
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A schizophrenic walks into a bar.

A schizophrenic walks into a bar.

A sign above the bar reads "Absolutely No Schizophrenics Served At This Establishment!"

Bartender says "Hello. What can I get you?"

The schizophrenic says "a shot of whiskey, and make it a double!"

The schizophrenic says "a shot of whisk...
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So, your schizophrenic lover breaks up with you with a text, it says:

"I've been seeing someone..."
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I’m a paranoid Schizophrenic

But you already knew that, didn’t you.
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What do schizophrenic Karens do for a living?

They are managers.
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"This light's broken" complained the schizophrenic

*"You're* broken" replied the lightbulb.
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My best friend says I’m schizophrenic

I say he’s a hypocrite. Especially since I don’t exist
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Did you hear about the case of the schizophrenic ventriloquist?

Everyone \*around\* him heard voices.
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What did the schizophrenic guy say to his ex?

I’m seeing someone.
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My father is schizophrenic...

,,,but he’s good people
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I used to be schizophrenic...

But we're all right now.
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Did you hear about the schizophrenic almond...

He's nuts!
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A guy goes into a psychologist and says, "Hey Doc, I think I'm schizophrenic."

The doctor says, "What a coincidence that makes four of us!"
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My roommate said I might be schizophrenic.

But what does he know I don't even have a roommate.
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Why is it so hard to make a schizophrenic pay for private therapy?

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Movie really spoke to the schizophrenic in me.

To both of them actually.
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Schizophrenics aren't crazy

Well, that's what the voices tell me
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What do you call a schizophrenic who only has sex with MILFS?

One crazy motherfucker..

Not my joke, but I've only heard it in brazilian portuguese (I'm brazilian)

Two schizophrenic guys are in a mental hospital, one of them points to the clock and asks "Is this thing working as it is suposed to?", the other says "If it were it wouldn't be here"
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I was told I was a schizophrenic...

Me and the voices in my head disagreed.
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Why do schizophrenic foreigners always get confused with the Israel-Palestine conflict?

Because they never know what is real and what is not.
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I wonder if deaf schizophrenic people hear voices...

I never asked them
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How do you describe a schizophrenic Zen Buddhist?

A man who is at two with the universe.
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What does a schizophrenic, agnostic, insomniac do?

He stays up all night asking himself if there is a Dog.


edit new Joke: How many times can a 40something year old ADHD, dyslexic, moron try to tell this joke and still get it wrong?
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What did the stingy schizophrenic finally come to realize after years of therapy?

That Sharon is Karen...
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What do a schizophrenic and psychopath share in common?

I don’t know, I’m asking for a friend
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Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm schizophrenic...

...and so am I.
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What's a schizophrenic's favorite Christmas song?

Do You Hear what I Hear?
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I tried to cheer up this paranoid schizophrenic guy, who’s always worried someone is watching him.

I whispered: ”Hey buddy, remember you’re never alone.”
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The multiple times I talk to God it's called praying

But the one time God talks back to me I'm labeled as a schizophrenic
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What does a Twitter user and Schizophrenic have in common?

They both think outloud.
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A schizophrenic soldier took an enemy battalion prisoner.

It was easy, he had them surrounded.
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What do you get if you combine a insomniac, a Agnostic with a Schizophrenic and a dyslexic?

A person who argues with himself all night about whether or not there is a dog.
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My mate Jim says I might be schizophrenic...

which is weird because I don't have a mate called Jim.
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My friend has just been diagnosed as a Polaroid Schizophrenic.

It developed quickly.
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Two friends are sitting at a bar, one has schizophrenia. Suddenly the schizophrenic starts bursting out laughing, and it takes a few minutes for him to calm down.

When he finally does, he says "sorry, it's a inside joke".
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The closest I ever came to a menage-a-trois was

when I dated a schizophrenic.
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The other day I went to the doctor and he told me I may be schizophrenic

And I said, "Hey Doc, you must be talking to the wrong guy!"
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Today, I accidentally came across an orgy full of schizophrenics.

I was fucking insanity.

Went to meet up with an old schizophrenic friend I hadn't seen in years

He's like a completely different person
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Hello and welcome to the Mental Help Hotline

If you are obsessive compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.

If you are co-dependent, ask someone to press 2 for you.

If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5 and 6.

If you’re paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line and we’ll trace your call.

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What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the night?

a schizophrenic cripple without a leg...
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When you talk to God, you're praying...

When God talks to you, you're a schizophrenic.
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I used to be a ventriloquist, until I lost my dummy.

Now I'm just a schizophrenic.
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A Joke For The Psychiatry World

Q: What do you call someone who hears voices calling their name all the time?

A: A schizophrenic narcissist.
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Visited my doctor today

He said I was a paranoid schizophrenic..

Well.. he didn't actually say it.. but WE KNEW he was thinking it.
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So I was walking in the park one day when I saw this dog

I approach this dog and it looked deep deep into my soul,
it then stands back onto its hind legs and opened its mouth to speak,
The dog didn’t speak,
fires erupted from its mouth
its eyes rolled into the back of its head
and it turned into a chicken.

Man... b...
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A guy walks into a psychiatric ward to visit his old man.

As he sits down in the recreation room with his dad, he spots a schizophrenic kid standing on the table.

The kid starts targeting each person in the room, busting out the freshest, most incredible 'yo mama' jokes he's ever heard; true originality at its best.

"That's incredible," he s...
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Skyping for schizophrenics
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A concerned mother checks her son into a mental hospital after he traded the family cow for some “magic” beans.

“Ma’am” the doctor said with a look of sympathy “I’m afraid your son has a strong case of schizophrenia.”

“Oh good lord, I knew there was something wrong when he insisted those beans were magic” the mother said wiping a tear from her eye.

“Well no it’s not that, the beans are actually ...
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In every group of friends there's always...

The schizophrenic.
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If you want to go fast, go alone. But, if you want to go far, go together.

I guess my brother might be schizophrenic because he has gone fast and far.
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"Welcome to the Psychiatric Care Hotline ...

"Welcome to the Psychiatric Care Hotline.

If you have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, press 1 repeatedly.

If you are Co-Dependent, have someone press 2 for you, now.

If you have Multiple-Personality-Disorder, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

If you have Short-Term Memory Loss, press ...

A husband had grown tired of his marriage but couldn't think of a proper way to tell his wife.

One day, while his wife was at work, he came up with an idea. That evening, when the wife returned home, the husband greeted her and said, "Honey, i think i might be schizophrenic." Confused, the wife asked, "Well how do you know?" To which the husband replied, "Well, honey, I'm seeing other people....
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