schizophreniadepressionbipolar disorderpsychosispsychotherapydementiapsychopathydisabilityanxiety disorderillnessalcoholismmental healthbraindiagnosismind

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Gay is a mental illness

You're not thinking straight

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What's the difference between sex and mental illness?

Most of Reddit has experienced mental illness

Are you struggling with a mental illness?

Or are you really good at it?
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My wife is leaving me because of my mental illness.

At least thats what the cat told me.
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Mental illness joke. (I have this illness so I'm laughing at myself) I used to have a beautiful girlfriend who loved and cherished me before I got diagnosed with Schizophrenia

Then they put me on some pills and she disappeared
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I’ve lived with a mental illness for 5 years.

I’m now single.
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The doctor asked Fred if anyone in the family suffers from mental illness.

Fred replied: "No, we all seem to rather enjoy it."
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They say mental illness is genetic

I know my kids make me crazy
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Today a woman came into my doctor's office with a sexually transmitted mental illness.

She was fucking crazy.

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If I was in a room with hitler, osama bin laden and stalin,

I would ask you to write a letter to my mother about my mental illness

Statistics say that 60% of women take medication for mental illness,

Which means 40% aren't taking their medication.
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Lobotomy is the solution for all mental illnesses

It's a no brainer
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25% of the women in this country are on medication for mental illness. That's scary...

It means 75% are running around untreated.
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Mickey Mouse is speaking with a divorce attorney...

...and the attorney says, "I'm sorry Mickey, I've gone over all of Minnie's medical history and I find no evidence of mental illness."

To which Mickey replies, "I didn't say she's crazy! I said she's fucking Goofy!"

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Mickey and Minnie go to a divorce lawyer

Mickey and Minnie go to a divorce lawyer. The lawyer says "Mickey, it says here that would want to divorce Minnie because she's crazy? Mental illness is a sickness. Didnt you vow to love her in sickness and in health?" Mickey replied "You misunderstood. I never said she was crazy, I said she was fuc...

I was asked by my doctor if mental illness ran in the family...

I told him "I have an aunt who wants to vote for Hillary Clinton"
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A bartender starts his shift as usual

and things are going smoothly. He shoots the shit with the regulars, knocking a few back as was his wont. A little later into the night a man walks in and orders a drink. After he gets the drink he sits and starts to talk to his hand. The bartender is confused for sure, he seemed normal enough when ...

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Mickey Mouse goes to a divorce attorney's office...

...and files for divorce from Minnie. The lawyer says,

"Mr. Mouse, it's very sad that you and your wife are divorcing. You're one of show business' most beloved couples. In order to file your request I'll need to specify a reason why you wish to divorce your wife."

Mickey tells him....

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