
I’ve been killing rich parents, throwing spiders at nerdy teens, dumping acid on kids, and calling disabled people mutants.

I haven’t created a superhero yet, but it better happen soon because I need to be stopped.

what do you call a legionary captured by super mutants?

A centaurion

What do you call a group of divorced mutants?

The Ex-Men.

What's the difference between a circus tent full of mutants and a suave spherical hairdo?

One is a freak show, the other is a chic 'fro.

How many mutants do you need to take over a Ship?

5 MutantA MutantB MutantC MutantD and Mutiny

Why ants can't speak?

It's because they are mutants.

What's the difference between a superhero and an ant that cannot speak?

Nothing, both are mutants.

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Greatest Insult To Hicks / West Virginians

You're so imbred your family tree looks like a Ferris Wheel!

Thought about this watching the Fallout 76 trailer, and then realizing that radiation isn't even needed to create mutants there.

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