chromatingenednachromatidcentromeremitosiscellproteinmeiosiscell nucleusdiploideukaryotetranscriptionhaploidorganism

I'm not just alright with my extra chromosome...

In fact, I'm down with it.

How would you tell if a chromosome is male or female?

You unzip the genes

Do you know why they choose the letter Y for the chromosome found in males?

Because that's what all the women say when men do anything

My doctor asked if I wanted an extra chromosome.

I told him I'd be down with that.

What did the chromosome say to his sister when she slammed the door on his toe

Ow my-toe-sis!

Some say that there's no benefit in having a Y chromosome...

Actually, it makes a vas deferens.

What did the Y chromosome say to the X chromosome?

Any room for me in those genes?

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How can you tell the sex of a chromosome?

Pull down it's genes.

As God created this human child, God asked him...

"How about an extra chromosome?"

The child replied, "I'd be down for that."

Don’t let an extra chromosome

Get you down

How do you tell the difference from a guy's chromosome and a girl's chromosome?

You pull down their gene's and have a look!

I heard this from an older gentlemen today at a senior home.

Why are chromosomes like fighting prisoners?

They both get pulled apart to opposite sides of the cell.

21 One-Liners

1. I hate Russian dolls, they're so full of themselves.

2. I asked my North Korean friend how it was there, he said he couldn't complain.

3. My girlfriend started smoking, so I slowed down and applied Lubricant.

4. Don't let an extra chromosome get you down.

5. I ...

What is a chromosome's favorite article of clothing?

a pair of genes.

If people with down syndrome got an extra 21 chromosome..

Then, why isn’t it called up syndrome?

What did the x-chromosome say to the y-chromosome?

Do these genes make me look fat?

What did the kid with the extra chromosome say when the other kids asked him to play?

I'm down.

Why did the full chromosome human go to war

He was diploid

What's the difference between a chromosome and a hormone?

You can't make a chromo-some.

*Sorry if this is a repost, my son told this to us at the dinner table.*

My newborn nephew entered the world with the innate ability to dance. They ran tests and found that he got the ability by being born with an extra chromosome. The doctors are calling it...

"Get down syndrome"

I was recently asked to be a part of a biological experiment. The researchers said they would mutate me with an extra chromosome and give me $10 000 for it.

I'm down.

So I once saw an argument in a comment section, a man said, “How many chromosomes do you have?”

The other replied, “More than you”.

The sheer confidence he had

Having a 3rd chromosome....

Is a real downer.

Sometimes having an extra chromosome...

really gets me down

Our relationship is like an extra chromosome

It's all downs from here

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Why did the company use chromosomes in their commercial?

Because sex cells!

What do Donald Trump and his chromosomes have in common?

There is one too many of them.

Why was the boy with 47 chromosomes crying?

Because he's Down.

I'm sorry.

You know what gets people down?

An extra chromosome!

(im sorry)

When people question whether or not I have 94 chromosomes...

I double down

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I’m going to start putting chromosomes in my advertising.

Because sex cells

Why are men always wrong and women always right?

Because men have a 'Y' chromosome and women have a 'because I said so' chromosome.

I scored 47/46 for my test.

It was a chromosomes test.

Of course our company is an equal opportunity employer

We always make sure to have equal numbers of X and Y chromosomes

A question of chromosomes, don't ask him Y

A prince out for a ride in his carriage caught sight of a man who looked very much like him. He called the man over and asked him curiously,

“Tell me, was your mother ever in the service at the palace?”

Holding himself very straight, the commoner replied,

“No, your majesty. Bu...

I don't always date people with...

I don't always date people with chromosomes...

But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.

I accidently lost some chromosomes today

Now I'm feeling rather down

I was feeling a bit down so I went to the doctors.

Thankfully it was just a scare. I still have 46 chromosomes.

Having more isn't always a good thing

I mean, I have a cousin with more chromosomes....

Yo Mama's so generous...

...she gave you an extra helping of chromosomes.


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