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What advice did Obi-Wan give Luke when Luke’s marriage was falling apart?

“Use divorce, Luke”
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My son Luke loves that we chose Star Wars characters as inspiration when naming my kids.

However, his sister Chewbacca and his brother Boba Fett are less amused.
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Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John walk into a Jewish bar

Bartender says, "Well this is New"
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If Ani is short for Anakin and Obi is short for Obi-Wan, what is Luke short for?

A stormtrooper.
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My son Luke loves that I named my children after Star Wars characters.

My daughter, Chewbacca, not so much.
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How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas?

He felt his presents.
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Yoda and Luke are walking through the swamp. Part of their usual training course involves shimmying along a cliff ledge, but today, there’s a long break in the ledge they can’t cross...

“Something for this I have.” Yoda says. He reaches into his bag and takes out a bunch of regular dinner table forks and a roll of duct tape.

He tapes several forks together to make a bridge and lays it down, allowing the two of them to get across.

When they get back to Yoda’s hovel, th...
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Who is Luke?

And why is he warming my water?
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Obi-wan and Luke are getting hungry...

...so before they hit the cantina they stop off at the best Chinese restaurant in Mos Eisly.

And poor Luke, he just can NOT figure out the chopsticks. He's getting more food on him than into his mouth, and really embarrassing Obi-wan.

So Obi-wan says to him, "Use the Forks, Luke."
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Luke's Stories of Love & the Little Green Master

So Luke is telling Yoda about this hot alien female from Coruscant on whom he performed oral sex. After listening to his escapades, Yoda only had one word in response.


Yoda and Luke Skywalker are together in a ship when Luke asks...

Luke: are we on track?

Yoda: off course, we are.
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Luke Skywalker: "You smoke Han Solo?"

Han Solo: "No."

Luke Skywalker: "What about Chewbacca?"

Han Solo: "No, I don't do that either."
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The police are looking for a man with one arm named Luke.

What's the name of the other arm?
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Luke and Yoda are training on Dagobah

Luke and Yoda are training on Dagobah. Suddenly, part of the ledge in front of them falls off. "Oh no, what do we do, master?" asked Luke. "Worry not" replied Yoda. Yoda takes out a giant 6-foot fork, lays it across the gap in the ledge, and they use it as a bridge.

Soon enough, they come to ...
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Why didn't Luke Skywalker want to visit the Death Star?

Because he didn't want death.

(My 5 year old made this joke up and he was very proud of himself. I told him I'd post it here for cheap and easy karma)
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Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are about to engage in a lightsaber duel, when Vader suddenly whispers, "Luke, I know what you're getting for Christmas."

Luke ignores him and continues to prepare for the fight.

Vader whispers again, "Luke, I know what you're getting for Christmas."

Luke lowers from his attack stance and asks, "Ok, what are you going on about?"

Vader says, "I can sense your presents."
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What did the lunch lady say to Luke Skywalker?

Use the FORKS, Luke!
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What is Luke Skywalker's least favorite store

The second hand store
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Why was Han Solo so suspicious when he put his penis inside Princess Leia for the first time?

...it was Luke warm.

Our company recently did a password audit, it was found that an employee was using the following password:


When asked why he had such a long password, he rolled his eyes and said: *Hello! It has to be at least 8 characters and include at least one capital."*
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"Update the force, Luke"

Adobe Wan Kenobi
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What did Obi-wan say to Luke, when he saw him struggling with the chopsticks?

>!"Use the fork, Luke."!<
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What did Vader's dog say to Luke's dog

Join the bark side
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Why was Luke under the Christmas tree?

He wanted to feel Obi Wan's presents.
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What flower did Luke have at his wedding?

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Luke Skywalker and Yoda are hopelessly lost on their journey...

Luke: Yoda, we've been walking for hours! Are you sure that we're going the right way?

Yoda: For the tenth time, told you, I have! Off course, we are!
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I like to tease my friend Luke

One time I gave him 2 forks when he asked for a spoon to have his cereal with. He said "Can I have a spoon?" I said "Luke, use the forks".
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Yoda asks Luke “why is 5 afraid of 7?”

Because 6, 7, 8.
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Where does Luke Skywalker like to vacation?

The HimaLeah
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What did Han Solo say when he saw Luke Skywalker eating without cutlery?

“Use the Forks, Luke”
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What’s Luke Skywalker’s favorite car brand ?

It’s ToYoda.
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What do you get when you cross Harry Potter with Luke Skywalker?

Scar Wars.
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Why were luke and leia Jedi’s?

Because they were children of di vorce
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Why was Luke skywalker late to work?

He had to take an R2Detour.
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Why did Luke circumcise his kids?

Because they were his force kin.
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A former practitioner in sleeves and tramp stamps, Luke Skywalker had given up his artistry to save the galaxy

But when he was finished, he returned to Tatooine
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How did Luke Skywalker get around the forest moon of Endor?

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What did Han tell Luke about his father?

Luke, I’m not your father, but your sister calls me daddy.
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Before Luke Skywalker died, he saw his mother and father before him...

His mom asked why he had blonde hair when he was young, as neither she nor anikin had it.

Luke fell silent, but before he could answer, his father answered " he was going through a rebel phase, dear"
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Why did Luke Skywalker never marry?

Because he was busy riding Solo
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What did Darth Vader say when he sensed Luke for the first time?

"I have a dad feeling about this."
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Luke Skywalker took a hissy fit in a restaurant. Try as he might, using Chopsticks was seemingly far beyond his fledgling Jedi skills. Embarrassing himself and causing a bit of a scene, Ben Kenobi leans over and offers some wisdom:

"Use the forks, Luke!"
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Why didn't Luke Skywalker's marriages ever last?

He wanted to follow Obi-Wan's advice: "Use divorce, Luke"
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Luke 14:10

A priest and a nun are driving in a car towards a monastery, priest behind the wheel.

Approaching the red light, priest places gently his hand on the nuns knee to which the nun looks at him and says:
-- Father, remember "Luke 14:10"
Priest apologies, removes his hand and keeps on drivi...

How come does Luke Skywalker does not have a girlfriend?

He was looking for love in Alderaan places
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What did Darth Vader tell Luke?

Luke, I am your [Unlock Content for 20000 Credits].
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Luke cage

In marvels luke cage everyone thinks that luke has super powers because he's bullet proof.

But bullet proof black people isn't a super power it's straight up evolution.

Luke Skywalker went to the Jedi temple

Obi-Wan Kenobi's force ghost materialized and noticed that Master Luke seemed perturbed, and so asked him what the matter was.

Luke replied "Ben, my life outside the Jedi Order is in shambles. It's mainly my marriage. It started off great, but something's changed in recent times. Drastical...
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Where did Luke Skywalker go shopping between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi?

Second Hand Store
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One day, Obi-Wan and Luke visit a Chinese restaurant.

Obi-Wan is eating normally, but Luke is having so much trouble with the chopsticks he's spilling the food all over the table.

Eventually, Obi-Wan becomes angry and says, "Use the forks, Luke!"
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Was watching Star Wars with my daughter. She asked why Luke was climbing inside a Tauntaun, I said to keep warm.

She asked how warm is it inside. I replied Lukewarm.
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I guess you could say Luke Skywalker single-handedly defeated the empire.

I told this joke to someone in a dream, and when I woke up I realized it was actually funny.
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My pastor asked me to name the four Gospels, but I could only remember Matthew, Luke, and John.

I missed the Mark.
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They say if you play the new Luke Bryan song backwards, you will hear a Satanic message. But that's not the worst part

...if you play it forwards, you'll hear the new Luke Bryan song.
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C3PO, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo are taken prisoner on an alien planet

The Millennium Falcon had to make an emergency stop on an uncharted planet. The trio is greeted by a hostile alien race and placed in a horrendous prison.

After some time they are taken in the night to some kind of tribunal where they are told that all outsiders are regarded as evil demons an...
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In the new Star Wars movie Ray should have gotten undressed in front of Luke

Then it would have been a real rise of skywalker
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What does Anakin do when Luke doesn't eat his vegetables?

He force-feeds him
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An old Jedi master named Ben stole Luke Skywalker’s last pastry.

Angrily, Luke shouted after him as he ran away, “Hey, you Owe Me One Canoli!”
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What's the difference between Luke Skywalker and a black man?

Luke Skywalker eventually finds out who his father is.

What did Yoda say to Luke on his wedding day?

May divorce be with you
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What dressing does Luke Skywalker put on a porg before eating it?

Skywalker Ranch
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my friend got a face tattoo of his favorite Star Wars character

you should’ve seen the Luke on his face
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How did Luke make it across Endor after he crashed his speeder bike?

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Star Wars Trivia: What is the internal Temperature of a TaunTaun?








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3 dirty Star Wars jokes

1) Why was Han Solo suspicious when he finally got inside Princess Leia?

Because it was Luke warm

2) Why was Han Solo suspicious when he was eating Princess Leia?

Because she felt chewy

3) Did Han do the right thing when he confronted Leia about these?

No, that nig...
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One day Darth Vadar said to Luke Skywalker

I know what you got for your birthday.
Luke looked at him and said "how do you know that?"
Darth Vadar replied "I can feel your presents".
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So Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader are locked in their final showdown...

...light sabers are flashing, the balance is delicate, but suddenly Luke knocks Darth's weapon away. As it's skidding out of reach, Luke moves in for the final blow. Quickly, Darth holds up a hand and says "Luke, wait! I need to tell you something". Luke, sensing a trap, asks why he should do such a...
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