sinkdownstairskitchendishpandishwasherbathroomtubtoiletfaucetlaundrytowelbathtubkettlewashbasintoilet paper

I ordered a new kitchen sink and by golly that thing grew legs and knocked on my door.

Let that sink in.

How do you make a kitchen sink?

Dump it in the ocean

Why do Crusaders need kitchen sinks?

To wash their Saladin.

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My wife caught me pissing in the kitchen sink, and got really mad at me. "You fucking prick, that's so inappropriate!" she screamed. "Well, so is washing the baby in there, but I don't angry at you about that!" I shouted back.

I think she realised she'd lost the argument, because she didn't even reply.

She just lifted the baby out of the sink and went upstairs...

There are only two rules for my party: have fun, and don't pee in the kitchen sink.

Because that's where I go.

One professor of mathematics noticed that his kitchen sink at his home broke down.

He called a plumber. The plumber came on the next day, sealed a few screws and everything was working as before.

The professor was delighted. However, when the plumber gave him the bill a minute later, he was shocked.

"This is one third of my monthly salary !" he yelled.

Well, a...

I used my opposite hand with the kitchen sink sprayer hose

felt like someone else was doing the dishes

I woke up this morning and found my wife washing a big mac in the kitchen sink..

Me: Honey, what are you doing?
Wife: The doctor told me I need to lose weight, and I should start by cleaning up my diet.

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one morning before going to work, a wife asks his husband...

one morning before going to work, a wife asks her husband..."Can you fix our kitchen sink?" but he tells her that..."Hello! am I a plumber?!!" and she also tells him that... "how about our broken table?..." and the husband replies..."Hello! am I a carpenter?!!" and the husband goes to his work... wh...

A neighbor overhears a husband and wife arguing. The wife yells “the only time you’re useful is when you’re on your back or hands and knees!”

The neighbor gasps, and then hears the husband say “I do more than fix the car and kitchen sink.”

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Don't let your Meatloaf!

Don't let your kitchen sink. Don't let your hormone.

Help me figure out more of these one liner farewells. I've been saying these since high school and I'd like more to add to my arsenal.

white haired mum

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, 'Why are some of your hairs white, Mum?...

I was packing up for vacation

When my wife yelled from down stairs "YOU BETTER NOT BE TAKING EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN SINK". I yelled back "thanks for reminding me i will go get the wrench"

Edumacation is important

Two guys are digging a hole in the blistering heat, while their foreman is sitting 20 ft away under a tree, in the shade.

One of the guys turns to the other and says “hey, why are we out here digging these holes and doing all the work all day, while he gets to just sit there in the shade and...

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The hangover

A guy wakes up with a horrible hangover after a bender. Can barely open his eyes. Head pounding. Stomach churning.

He looks around, and with some relief realizes that he’s at home, in his bed. There’s a glass of water and two aspirins on his night stand, along with a note from his wife: “Dar...

(Old joke alert - be gentle.)

So, a guy sees this girl home after a date.

She says

\- Do you want to come in? You'll have to be very quiet, my parents are upstairs.

\- Sure

So they go in to the sitting room, get on the couch, and start smooching.

The guy says

\- Sorry, I need to use ...

Where is the safest place to be on a capsizing ship? (Worst joke ever)

The Galley!

Everything but the kitchen sinks.

^(I warned you)

Drinking too much

Every night a guy would come home blitzed out of his mind and puke in the kitchen sink.

His wife grew tired of this and always berated him, "Johnny! One of these nights you are going to come home and puke your guts out!!"

He doesn't listen so she decides to put a chicken's worth of chi...

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Fucking Cheerios

A young couple was having a hard time reining in their twin eight year old boys' swearing. At home, in school, in public, with company, on the phone; every other sentence was "fuck this" or "fuck that".

Late one night, after the twins were in bed, mom and dad began plotting how to control the...

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Wash the Dishes

This guy bought a motorcycle from a friend of his. As he was handing over his money the friend gave him a small tube of Vaseline and told him to rub it on the rims when it rained to avoid water stains. He quickly stowed the tube and drove off to meet his girlfriend who was going to introduce him t...

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Blonde jokes

1. Why don't blondes like to make kool aid? They can't fit 8 quarters of water in that little package

2. Why do blondes wear underwear? To keep their ankles warm

3. How does a blonde turn on a light after sex? She opens the car door

4. Why do blondes wash their hair in the kitch...

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Male chauvinist pig jokes.

How do you turn a fox into an elephant?
Marry It!

What is the difference between a battery and a woman?
A battery has a positive side.

Wha t are the three fastest means of communication?
1) Internet
2) Telephone
3) Telawoman

How are fat girls and mopeds alike?...

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A man is out tilling his field behind his mule...

It’s a very hot day and the man is toiling away, sweating as he follows his mule controlling the plow up and down his field. His wife comes out to talk and says “When you get done with this field and return home tonight don’t forget about the leak under the kitchen sink, the window in the bathroom i...

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