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I heard that Fortnite put a limit of three outfits for players in Isreal.

Jews aren't allowed to have four skins.

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Fortnite is like school ...

you get out of the bus then the quiet kid who lives in their basement kills everyone

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What do fortnite players and olive oil have in common?

They’re both extra virgin

Why do all Fortnite players have healthy gums?

Because they floss regularly.

School dances this year are going to be like Fortnite lobbies...

Lots of stupid dance moves and unnecessary shooting

What do you call a dinosaur which plays fortnite?

A flossiraptor

I don’t believe in hitting my children as punishment

So I teach them Fortnite dances and send them to school so that other kids can beat them instead.

Why are students prohibited from playing Fortnite during school?

It would be really hard to tell where the gunshots are coming from

What do fortnite and your mom have in common?

Every twelve year old is into them.

No wonder fortnite is so popular among school children

Who doesn’t love hopping off the bus and shooting everybody in sight?

Guys I had a nightmare

I dreamed that my Fortnite account got deleted.

I was really scared for a second that I played Fortnite.

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Said in my middle school science class. "Halophiles are a type of bacteria that can survive in the saltiest places on earth."

Student Response: Does that mean they can survive inside a Fortnite lobby?

I wanted to high five this student so hard.

What do you call playing Fortnite during the day?


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What’s one thing a 13 year old boy asks his balls and his fortnite squad?

When are we dropping boys?

In a recent video, Pewdiepie asked if there was fortnite in Iran

No, there isn’t.
They can play outside

Marvel endgame spoiler joke (roses are red)

Roses are red

Thor is fat

The god of thunder ends up playing fortnite and roasting children on voice chat

Why does high school remind me of Fortnite?

Because you hop off a bus and shoot everyone you see

Fortnite just released a special Jewish edition of the game

It'll have no Thor skin

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What do you call a Fortnite player in a car?

Virgin Mobile

What do you call it when you play Fortnite during the day-time?

A sad depraved existence

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I found the real life inspiration for the island from Fortnite!

The Virgin Islands

What do you call killing kids in Fortnite?


i'm glad the minecraft good fortnite bad trend is over

there's a difference between memes and just telling facts

So I booted up Fortnite twice simultaneously, and it turned into a zombie survival game

It was 28 Days Later

If a vegan does crossfit and doesn't like Fortnite...

...which do they tell you about first?

PUBG swore they would end fortnite.

2 weeks later, Fortnight was over.

Whats the sequel to fortnite?


A vegan, an atheist, and a person who hates Fortnite walk into a bar

Who's telling you first?

I’m trying to cut down on my fortnite play time as I think I’m gaining an addiction

I tend to play it every couple of weeks now.

Why is EPIC's current hit game called Fortnite?

Because that's about how long it takes for the average person to get bored of playing it.

What do you call a lizard that hates fortnite youtubers?

An Ali-hater.

Wanna hear a joke ?


I am a parent of a one year old and I support anti vaxxer parents and super thankful of them.

They help me eliminate future competition that my kid will go against. From fortnite to Harvard.

When was the last time the Twitch Streamer got laid?

About a Fortnite ago.

I told my 14 year old son I thought 'Fortnite' was a stupid name for a computer game.

I think it is just too weak.

What’s the deal with this new thing called Fortnite?

Saw it a couple of weeks ago

What would happen if we took all possible school shooters and put them in one school?

Literally Fortnite

America's waterways are increasing in salinity and I know who's to blame.

Who else but Fortnite players could be responsible for so many salty streams.

What do they call Fortnite in France?

A Battle Royale with Cheese

Wow, that Fortnite game you're playing is super quick!

Thought they would last at least two weeks.

Credit my dad.

Kids These Days Can't Take Care of Presents

I got my kid one of those 'Fortnite' things everyone's been raving about, it only lasted two weeks.

Microsoft did a commerical for a disability controller, I wonder how they did the casting.

Wanted disabled kid for a commercial must know a Fortnite dance.

"Fortnite" is a terrible name for a game.

It's too weak.

I finally decided to play Fortnite.

It's fun, but it gets boring after a couple of weeks

Fortnite are releasing a marvel themed battle pack.

Can’t wait to get my hands on that Thor-skin.

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An old man tsks at his great-grandson playing Fortnite

"This is what you kids do for fun these days? Why back in my day, we'd go to the Moulin Rouge in Paris, fuck all the dancers, piss all over the bar, and leave without paying!"

He didn't think anything more of it until a month later when his great-grandson limped into his house on a pair of cr...

The government swore to shut down Fortnite due to claims of the video game aggravating children and teens worldwide.

Two weeks later, Fortnight was finished.

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What plays Fortnite and is poured with bread?

Extra-virgin olive oil.

In what way is the future generation of fortnite dancers like alcohol?

They’re both depressants

Why are muslims so good at Fortnite.

Cause they always go to tilted towers.

Vaccinanted vs Unvaccinated adults

Vaccinated adults: Man I'm glad I grew up playing fortnite
Unvaccinated adults: Man I'm glad I grew up

Day Two with out Fortnite

Turns out spending time with my family isn't that bad, need to do this more often.

So Hasbro made a Fortnite Monopoly...

But ironically it's for ages 13+.

I just realised something really coincidental.

Units of time can correlate to words of inferiority. For example,

* second = second (second place)
* week = weak
* fortnight = Fortnite

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After killing himself and several others, a suicide bomber is given 72 virgins to use as he pleases.

When the suicide bomber arrives, he notices that they're all on laptops. He finds this strange, and asks one what they're doing. The virgin responds, "We're playing Fortnite. Wanna join?"

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A priest walks into a bar

A priest walks into a bar. He goes up to the bartender and asks for a drink.

“Sorry,” says the bartender, “we don’t serve your kind here.”

Baffled, the priest tries to object, but before he can, the bartender walks off. So, furious, the priest just decides to leave. But as he’s walkin...

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