
Why did they release Star Wars episodes 4, 5 & 6 before episodes 1, 2 & 3?

In charge of the schedule Yoda was.

Star Wars Episode 7-9 Titles Revealed

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Force Sleeps For Five More Minutes

Star Wars Episode IX: The Force Is Late For Work

Ever wondered why starwars episode 4,5 and 6 came before episode 1,2 and 3.

Because, incharge of scheduling Yoda was

Did you hear about the English teacher who experienced a serious health episode?

He suffered a massive corrolary

I just saw an amazing episode of Bake-Off!

They went in with all buns glazing!

As the Kardashians celebrate their 20th and final season...

I would LOVE to congratulate myself for never watching a single episode.

Netflix: Do you want to watch a 10-hour movie?

Me: No way! Are you insane?

Netflix: How about I break up the movie into ten 1-hour episodes and you see them all in one sitting?

Me: I am in!

Watched an episode of a classic sitcom last night. The episode dealt with the topic of circumcision. I didn't enjoy watching it...

I hate when sitcoms run clip shows.

I’m binging a TV show for free on Amazon, but it won’t let me watch certain episodes. Specifically episode number 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, and 97.

Those are only available on Amazon Prime.

A new episode of my favorite Jamaican cooking show just came on...


The least specific name for a “Friends” episode:

“The one where Rachel’s nipples were erect”

How many Saiyans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Just one... But it takes 4 episodes and Krillin dies...

Prince Andrew is to star as the villain in a new episode of Scooby Doo

He would have gotten away with it too if he hadn’t have been meddling with those kids

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Charlie Harper in Two and a half Men, Season 1 Episode 16

Alan: "I feel sorry that your heart has become so hard and small, that you've lost the capacity to connect with another human being on any level any more meaningful, than the inebriated exchange of bodily fluids.

"Charlie: "Boy, leave it to you to take a beautiful thing like drunken s...

I watched an episode of America's Most Wanted last night that scared me so bad I'm afraid to even go outside now.

I'm afraid someone is going to recognize me.

Did you see the episode of House Hunters with King Henry VII?

He was looking for a Lancaster House with a Tudor garage.

My mother has schizophrenic episodes

She lives in a nice house next to the San Francisco Bay, on a small melon farm (her choice...). She's an excellent farmer, even in her old age. And honestly she's a wonderfully sweet woman. But increasingly I find it very hard to visit. The problem is that when she has her schizophrenic episodes...

An Arthur episode was banned in Alabama

In the episode the kids learn that their favorite teacher is about to get married and follow him around they see him meet a woman who they assume is his wife. They don’t like her so they try to stop the wedding. In the end it turns out that the woman was his sister and that their teacher was marryin...

Sure, I like to watch M*AS*H* episodes.

But not Alda time.

What do you call the last episode of a show about allergies?

A sneezon finale.

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The Hot Dog Episode

Two drunks were sitting on a street corner wondering if they should buy a beer with their last dollar. One of the drunks suggested that they buy a hotdog. The other started bitching, complaining that he couldn't drink a hotdog. The other drunk told him his idea.

"What we do is buy a hotdog, ...

How did Palpatine talk to Kylo Ren before episode 9?

Snoke Signals

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Jesus Christ was featured on a recent episode of Hoarders

Apparently, his saving really got out of control!

Every Scooby-Doo episode would literally be two minutes long if the gang went to the mask store first and asked a few questions.

**Every** Scooby-Doo **episode would literally be two minutes long if the gang went to the mask store first and asked a few questions.**

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Everyone hates a filler episode in a TV series.

But in porn, well that’s a different story.

How many Dragon Ball Z episodes does it take to change a lightbulb?

***Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z***

Empire Strikes Back is still my favorite StarWars episode.

One could say it is a perfect 5/7.

In Star Wars Episode I, we learn (spoilers)

That Anakin Skywalker has no father, the midichlorians caused his birth.

I guess his mom was forced into it.

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I had an episode of explosive diarrhea during a heist at the bank

Shit went down real fast

Next Black Mirror episode will require

you to write and direct it yourself while Charlie Brooker goes on a vacation.

Next Episode On Hells Kitchen...

"Is the wine divine or vintage?"

"D-divine chef."

"Jesus Christ..."

"Yes, probably."

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Me: there’s too much crying in this episode of Naked and Afraid

Girlfriend: this is our sex tape..

Have you ever seen uncensored episodes of Road Runner?

If you do you'll understand why they beeped him out.

The secret episode.

"Hi! This is Khalid al-Mihdhar... and this is Jackass!"

^^^I'm ^^^going ^^^to ^^^hell ^^^for ^^^this

Why do they call the first episode a pilot?

Because without one, the show would never get off the ground.

I got a computer to analyse every episode of Married With Children and it developed sentience based on what it learned.

It's an AI Bundy.

I missed the latest episode of Rick & Morty

Boy, do I feel stupid now.

A man buys a robot that slaps people when they tell a lie.

He decides to test it on his family at dinner that night.

The man asked his son, "Son, what did you do after school today?"

The son replied, "Oh, I just did some homework" and the robot slapped the son.

The son said, "Okay I actually watched a movie with my friends".

The ...

My workplace is like an episode of Gilmore Girls

Fast paced and full of unlikeable characters.

A woman wakes her husband up at 2 AM, saying

"Quick, who's scored the highest number of goals in football, ever?"

"Klose", replied the groggy husband.

"And how many episodes of Breaking Bad are there in total?"

"Huh? Wait, let me...55, no, 62, there's 62 total episodes" he replied.

"Who was that girl in that 'Saved ...

Last night on the episode of "Criminal Minds" my wife was watching, the cops arrested a clown.

As a Dad of long standing, I'm happy to have seized the opportunity to yell "Don't try anything funny!"

How is GOT planning get people to stop pirating their episodes?

They started releasing episodes not worth watching.

Why do sheep love Star Wars Episode V?

Because Dey-go-bah.

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If Theresa May was put in the same situation as the first episode of Black Mirror...

Do you think she would've been okay with the Prime Minister fucking her?

George Lucas announced that he'd like to make several changes to Episode I.

But I say let's let Qui Gons be Qui Gons.

What do you call the first episode of a TV series with a predominantly black cast?

A pilot, you racist

Did you hear what they're planning for the next episode of 'Glee'?

It's a 'Walking Dead' crossover.

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The interactive Black Mirror episode wouldn't allow the therapist to show her genitals on camera.

Banned her snatch.

What's the difference between a Dragon Ball Z episode and a Markiplier video?

A *Dragon Ball Z* episode doesn't have as much screaming

Donald Trump is about to watch an episode of his current favorite TV show...

Orange is the New Black

If Two and half men, the Big Bang theory and How I met your mother had ever done a crossover episode

It would have been called How I banged your mother with two and a half men

Watching the latest episode of Forged in Fire. In the sharpness test, Doug Marcaida tested how much bread each blade would cut with just one slice...

The winner was so lucky he brought his 4-loaf cleaver.

What happened to the cast of House of Cards after shooting their last episode?

Kevin Spacey held a Rapp party.

In a long lost episode, Superman has a close shave with death because his cloak wasn’t the right size.

It was a narrow S cape.

The game in the first episode of the new season of black mirror wasn't going to be called striking vipers

They wanted to call it Smash Bros but it was already taken

Why was the ghost on an episode of Hoaders?

He was a little...


Did you guys see that episode of Finding Bigfoot last night? [SPOILERS]

They didn't find Bigfoot.

After watching the first episodes of HBO's Chernobyl, as a resident of Pripyat, I can count on one hand all of the inconsistencies I have noticed.

So far, there are 27.

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Damn girl are you the green fish from Spongebob season 2, episode 20: Sandy, Spongebob, and the Worm, at exactly 21:52?

Because I'm gonna eat that ass.

I watched the Indian version of How I Met Your Mother…

There’s just one episode and it is about the wedding.

What are the "White Walkers" doing when we don't see them in a GoT episode?


I told my friend a joke about last night's Game of Thrones episode..

He agreed it was well done.

Stupid TV Trivia- Here are some of mine- post your own!

Did you see "Gilligan’s Island" that time when they almost got rescued?

Remember that "Star Trek" episode when they met those aliens?

Did you catch "Jersey Shore" when they got drunk and had that fight?

How about "The Bachelorette" episode when she cried.

Did you see t...

Did you hear about the episode concept for Doctor Who where The Doctor accidentally falls into a food themed alternative dimension?

He was attacked by The Garlics

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