combatwarfightwarfarestruggleconflictarmyfightingskirmishassaultmilitaryactionarmed forcesengagementduel

After each battle, Napoleon would walk down and shake the hands of all his soldiers

Each time, he would ask them the same three questions:

How old are you?
How long have you been serving in the army?
Which of the two battles have you fought in?

One time, a new, foreign soldier did not know French and was worried about what to say to Napoleon when it was his turn...
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Hitler used an astrologist to give him guidance in battle...

One day he told the man, "you've served me well. We are winning battles and the war and I'm very pleased with your work. Your ability to predict the future is amazing. But there's one thing I wondered about and wanted to ask you."

How can I serve you mein Fuhrer?

"Do you know what day ...

What’s different about rap battles and American schools?

People usually don’t cry at rap battles when there’s shots fired.
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What are battles between birds called?

Poultry Slam
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Why did the twitter army lose all their battles?

Because they kept retweeting.
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Did you hear about the female rapper, who only battles when she's on her period?

They say she has a mean flow.
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I heard there's a new movie coming out where an illegal immigrant turns vigilante and battles a child molester...

They're calling it Alien vs Predator.
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3 Squires Battle

So there’s a far-off place that consists of a perfectly triangular lake surrounded by land, with three kingdoms on the three sides of the lake. The first kingdom is rich and powerful, filled with wealthy, prosperous people. The second kingdom is more humble, but has its fair share of wealth and powe...
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