
This is a discussion about the safety of 4-wheelers/ATVs.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about the deaths and serious injuries related to these vehicles. In fact, if you plot those terrible outcomes against speed and operator inexperience, you can see that those events are clustered in the top right corner of the graph.

In other words, this is a ...

How do you keep people who ride 4-wheelers entertained?


Have you heard of the new 18 wheelers that can drive themselves for almost the whole trip?

They're semi-automatic!

I asked a friend if he wanted to go with me to count 18 wheelers on the interstate,

He seemed semi-interested.

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A newlywed couple was driving in the country…

As they’re driving along, the wife starts getting horny. She starts flirting with her husband and he starts getting horny. They both agree they have to have it RIGHT NOW. Being out in the country, out in the middle of nowhere to say little of being miles and miles from home, the husband pulls the ca...

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Damn he can drive!

Damn he can drive!
This guy is on the street corner spitting and cussing.
A little old lady goes and gets a cop, telling him there is a guy spitting and cussing.

Sure enough when the cop come up to the guy he spits and says, "Damn, that guy can drive a car."

The cop tells him to ...

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Two farmers

Two farmers are riding on four wheelers making sure all the fencing is still good to keep the cows in.

During their inspection they come across a cow with his head stuck in the fence. "HOOOOO-WHEEEE!!!!!!" Yells the first cowboy. And he jumps off that ATV and runs over and starts just fuck...

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