ballcirclegloberound shapesurfaceorbrealmheavensdomainsectororbitfirmamentspheroidshapegeometry

The Only Thing Flat-Earthers Fear

Is Sphere Itself.

my only joke i've ever came up with and it flat-out sucks.

no way around it.
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What is a flat earther's least favorite flavor of gum?

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There was a circle/sphere turning into a square....

It was going through Cuberty.
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I thought I liked spheres

then I realized they're pointless.
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The only thing Flat-Earthers fear

Is sphere itself.
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My Neighbor Is Trying To Argue That Spheres Have Corners

I don't listen to his ramblings because they're pointless.
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Heard about the viral YouTuber booted out of the Flat Earth Society?

They caught him trying to expand his sphere of influence.
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A giant globe fell on my son's face.

He's currently in hospital with sphere injuries.
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After I spend time convincing Flat Earther's that the Earth is in fact a sphere, I give them an orgasm.

You could say I make them come around

What's a Flat Earther's worst fear?

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Soviet joke about russian army. Still relevant.

Give a private two metallic spheres. After a while one will be broken, one - lost.
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A cube walks into a bar...

A cube walks into a bar and comes out as a sphere. A passerby saw and asked them what happened. The sphere replied “oh I just had a drink to take the edge off”.
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A Mathematician, and Physicist, and an Engineer

are asked to find the volume of a red rubber ball.

The mathematician knows that the volume of a sphere has been mathematically determined so they measures the radius and puts it into the proper formula.

The physicist knows that Archimedes discovered how to determine the volume of an o...

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A doctor, a psychologist, and a mathematician go to a horse race.

They all make their bets and plan to meet at their favorite watering hole after the race to compare their results. The doctor arrives last, orders a round for the group saying:

"I sure cleaned up! Lake Cookie was pegged for second place so I snuck into his stable just before the race and juic...


Ian is a barber and one day after servicing a haircut, a customer instead of money, gives him a crystal sphere and Ian, not wanting to argue and liking the sphere, accepts it.

He presses the Sphere and to his bewilderment, he's transported to ancient Egypt with all the scissor and blades.
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What would be a terrifying game show for flat-earthers?

Sphere Factor
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They say beautiful girls are found in every corner of the earth

But the earth is sphere
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How do physicists play Volleyball?

In vacuum with perfect spheres.
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The Only Idea Flat-Earthers Fear

Is Sphere, Itself.

my favorite joke ive ever created... and the only one...
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My flat-earther friend was diagnosed by a psychologist

He suffers from very sphere delusions.
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What do you call a flat earther vampire

A no-sphere-atu
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An organic chemist, an analytical chemist, and a physical chemist....

An organic chemist, an analytical chemist, and a physical chemist are asked if a certain horse will win the race. The organic chemist asks what the horse has been eating and drugs given to it. The analytical chemist asks for the makeup of the track and mud. The physical chemist starts with "If we as...
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How goes a physicist milk a cow?

First he assumes the cow is a sphere.
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A Physicist and an Engineer take turns shooting at a deer.

An engineer, a statistician, and a physicist are out hunting. They spot a buck, and each takes a turn to try and bag it.

The physicist goes first. He pulls out his lab book and quickly calculates the trajectory of the bullet, assuming it is a perfect sphere in a vacuum. The bullet falls 20m s...

The flea jumping competition begins

Fleas from all over the country have gathered here today to take part in the contest. Expect an incredible show.


Team 1 from Muts-4-homes Animal Shelter take the stage.


The team lines up on the platform...


6 --
5 --
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Does the circle of life...

become a sphere in 3D?
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So an engineer, a psychologist, and a physicist are called into a dairy farm that is low on production...

They're each given a day to inspect the farm, then they each deliver a thesis on how best to increase production.

The engineer goes first; he says that if each stall is decreased in area by 40 inches, housing capacity could be doubled.

The psychologist then says that if the walls were...
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A man brings 3 scientists into a large room...

...a biologist, an engineer, and a physicist. In corner of the room is an elephant, and nothing else. The man tells the scientists "If you can correctly identify this animal, I will give you $50,000". He lets each of the scientists examine the animal, and then separates them.

The man first as...
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