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Why is 'dark' spelled with a k and not c?

Because you can't see in the dark.

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I bought a bunch of oranges and spelled "hi" with them.

I was then told that was *not* how you say "HI" in Mandarin....
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Is buttcheeks spelled as one word?

Or do you have to spread them apart?

What word is spelled wrong on every dictionary.

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Why is it spelled camouflage?

And not
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I hate words that are spelled differently but sound the same!

I guess I'm homophonic!

My friend tried to convince me "whey" is spelled "whfey"

There's no f in whey
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Why is dark spelled with a k, and not a c?

Because you can’t see in the dark.

Courtesy of my 14 year old this evening.
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Election and Erection are almost spelled the same. They both mean the same thing too.

A dick rising to power

It bothers me that Double Stuf Oreos is spelled with one 'F'...

Why they don't give two 'Fs' is beyond me.
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My son made me a shirt which spelled "Wrld's best dad!" which is a pretty cute mistake.

But he needs to get his shit together and understand that I have a sweatshop to run.

What word is always spelled incorrectly?


I'll see myself out.
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I’ve heard the only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.

Which is a shame, because I was hoping to use it as a book title.
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Why is *traveled* spelled *travelled* by the British?

Because they traveled home with that *L* in 1783
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Read and read are both spelled the same way

Of course they would be they are the same word
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I spelled "I take back what I said" in a bowl of alphabet soup

I ate those words
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Racecar spelled backwards is racecar.

But, racecar sideways is how Paul Walker died.
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Coffee spelled backwards is "eeffoc".

Just know that I don't give eeffoc until I've had my morning coffee.
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You hear about the kid who lost the spelling bee on the word "dairy"?

...I told him there's no use crying over misspelled milk.
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What is long,erect,can be spelled with P,N,E,I,S and once injured,makes you half a man?

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Former US Vice President of the US Dan Quayle spelled the word ‘potato’ with an ‘e’ in it.

There’s no ‘e’ in potato, just a bunch of ‘i’s.
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“Absolutely nothing” spelled backwards is “gnihton yletulosba”

Which means absolutely nothing.
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When the kids came back from recess, the teacher announced a pop spelling quiz...

"Pop spelling quiz, class!" She said, and called on little Johnny.

"What did you do during recess, Johnny?" Asked the teacher. Johnny replied "I played in the sandbox with Suzy and Leroy" "Ok, spell 'sand' and you will get a cookie!" Says the teacher. Johnny spells it correctly and gets h...
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Once in school, I spelled redundant wrong

The teacher made me write it 500 times as a punishment.
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Covid has me really bored at home so I read the entire dictionary and actually found a word spelled wrong.

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