
If I'm being subjective, I'd say that the greatest hero in Sci Fi is Doctor Who. But if I'm being completely objective...

I'd say it's Doctor Whom.

^*Edit: ^As ^a ^few ^have ^astutely ^pointed ^out, ^the ^character's ^name ^is ^just ^"The ^Doctor"; ^I ^should ^have ^said ^"the ^greatest ^sci ^fi ^show ^is ^Doctor ^Who" ^instead ^of ^"greatest ^hero ^in ^sci ^fi". ^Thankfully ^the ^dumb ^joke ^still ^works ^in ^t...

What would a 19th century Russian sci-fi be called?

Tsar Wars.

If I’m being subjective, the greatest sci-fi show of all time is Dr. Who.

If I’m being objective, it’s Dr. Whom.

What is the biggest Australian SciFi producton?

The mate-rix

What's a pirates favorite sci-fi book?

Aye, Robot

Here are the results of Sci-Fi Football.

R2D: 2 and C3P: Nill

Is the Demigorgon the weirdest Sci-Fi monster?

Could be; I haven’t seen stranger things

I always wanted to get into sci-fi movies about time travel...

...but my interest in time travel ended before it really began.

Comp Sci Joke

I'd tell you a joke about TCP but I'd have to keep repeating it until you got it.

What's a classic Russian sci-fi film?

Czar Wars

I finally watched that Netflix sci-fi show that everyone is watching...

I keep hearing from everyone that it's a very wierd show, but to be honest, I've seen stranger things.

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What does the average comp sci student graduate with?

His virginity

I can't wait for this weekend's big Sci-Fi Rom-Com movie opening...

Star Wars: When Hairy Met Solo

Did you hear about the 50 plus year old Sci Fi fan with big nipples?

Areola 51

The newest sci-fi movie on Netflix is about a death match between E.T. and a nerd with no social life.

Alien versus Redditor.

What was the Sci-fi remake of A Streetcar Named Desire?


I read Sci Fi the same way that I read recipes

I skip to the end and think, "that'll never happen"

How will people in the future congratulate eachother?

With Sci-Fives

I wish I hadn't wasted so much of my life creating wacky sci-fi inventions...

The time machine alone set me back 15 years.

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What do you call a clever, socially awkward, bisexual hippie with fancy neckwear who streams Star-Trek?

A shy, wry, bi guy in a fly tie and tie dye watching sci-fi on wifi.

Credits: my bud

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Billy was the first person in his small town to go to college.

After he’d been there a few weeks, he lost all his money at a fraternity card game. He thought about his options and had an idea.

His father had just written him to ask how things were going. Billy wrote back and said, “Dad, you won’t BELIEVE what they can do at this school! They can teach...

I was playing a flat earth documentary on Netflix when my wife walked in.

What you watching?


my dog...

Me: I'm so sorry, my dog ate my homework

Comp Sci Professor: your dog ate your coding assignment?



Me: it took him a couple bytes

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Beauty is just a matter of timing: In 1970s America I would’ve been ridiculed for having a hairless chest. In ancient Greece I would’ve been laughed at for having a big penis.

Still waiting for that bald future all those fucking sci-fi movies promised me.

Critics are comparing Aquaman to Black Panther

At first glance, the movies do appear similar. They both feature ancient sci-fi utopias hidden from the rest of the world. In each movie, theres a fight for the throne in order to stop a war. However, they are ignoring one major difference: the characters in Aquaman can swim.

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