orphanagechildinfantadolescentminoryoungsteroffspringkidtykeyoungtoddlerfatherlessfoster carenewborngirl

I made a website for orphans.

Unfortunately it doesn't have a home page.

Why do orphans love boomerangs?

Because they actually come back.

For orphans ..

every bag of chips is familly sized

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

How many orphans does it take to change a light bulb?

Obviously more than three because my basement is still dark.

Why do orphans have only 363 days?

They don't have a mother's day and father's day


The “F” in orphan stands for family

Why do orphans like to play tennis ?

Because the ball comes back

why do orphans go to church

so they can call someone father

How do you make an orphans hands bleed

Tell them to clap until their parents come home

Why are orphans successful?

Because its either go big or go home. What choice do they have?

Why do orphans play Grand Theft Auto

So they can be wanted.

Why are orphans so short-lived?

Because they are no longer orphans when their orphan-ness becomes apparent

What kind of a cake can orphans not have?


What’s the difference between Apples and orphans

Apples get picked

Why are orphans bad at poker?

Because they don't know what a full house is

Orphan joke

Why aren’t orphans allowed to watch most movies? Because their rated PG )parental guidance.)

Why can't orphans go on field trips?

Parent signature:_________________

Why do most orphans become criminals?

Because they just want to feel wanted...

What's the difference between orphans and blind children?

None. Neither can see their parents.

Did you hear about the oatmeal cookie orphans?

No one's raisin 'em.

Little bit of dark humor for you guys. _/(^_^)\_ What's the difference between apples and orphans?

There's actually 2 answers to this one.

1. Apples get picked.
2. Family tree.

Selfies taken by orphans are

Family photos

I feel sorry for orphans.

There are plenty of great PG films.

What type of flour do orphans use for baking?

Self-raising flour.

Why don't orphans play baseball?

They don't know where home is

What do you call a group of super hero orphans?

The Mighty Orphan Power Rangers.

Side note: I came up with this one today so it's as original AFAIK. Apparently orphan jokes are popular at my children's school and at least the one I came up with isn't cruel.

Why do so many orphans grow up to become famous?

Well it is called “Go Big or Go Home”

What is an orphans favorite beer?



If you're ever angry just punch an Orphan... What are they gonna do tell there parents???

Why do orphans like playing tennis so much?

Because it’s they only way they’ll ever get love.

Who isn't allowed to watch PG movies?


An engineer dies and goes up to heaven.

At the Pearly Gates, St Peter says to the engineer "Sorry pal, you're not on the list. You can't get into heaven." The engineer says "Wait a minute, I always donated to charity, my wife and I raised two orphans we adopted, I attended church regularly, what do you mean I'm not on the list to get into...

What do you call an orphans family photo?

A selfie

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