At the gates of heaven they meet St. Peter, and ask him if they can spend eternity in Poet's Corner with all the other famous poets.
"I don't know," says St. Peter. "It's pretty exclusive. I'll tell you what, I'll give you a word and you have to incorporate it in a poem as the very last wor...
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Ogden Nash and Robert Frost die and are facing St. Peter at the Pearly Gates...
St. Peter doesn't recognize them and asks for identification. They both respond that they are great poets from Earth and are surprised that they're not recognized. St. Peter challenges them - "If you're such great poets. let me hear you form a rhyme for "Timbuktu".
The poets think for a mom...
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Johnny and Lorraine met when they where 18 years old
Through the years their relationship blossomed and evolved from friends to lovers to eventually that of a husband and wife.
Alas, as is often the case their relationship was heavily tested. 10 years after getting married to Lorraine, Johnny met a woman named Clearly and started develop...
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Win this jar of money!
A guys walks into a bar after a long day at work. On the bar, he see a jar full of money, all twenties. On it it says "Win this jar of Money! Just ask the Bartender." He asks, "Hey, what's up with this jar?"
"Oh, well you have three tasks I would need you to finish and you can win all that mo...
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A man is lost in the forest and stumbles upon a hotel.
Tired, lost and hungry; a John has been wandering through the woods for what has felt like days. He stumbles upon a strange house and feels a deep sense of relief as he notices a light is on.
He knocks and a peculiar looking old man opens the door.
"Please. Please. I am lost and hungry...
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