
a graphic designer, an astrophysicist, a dentist and an electrician walk into a bar

it was queen and they were playing their first gig
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How many graphic designers does it take to change a light bulb?

Does it have to be a light bulb? 'Cause I had this other idea...
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I've gotten a Graphic Design job at a nuclear plant

The pay is not great, but they told me I'd be getting some exposure.
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Gotta love the graphic designer for the PA license plate

...cuz the colors I associate the state with are blue, white, and yellow like the gorgeous beaches it has.
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I was chatting to a graphic designer about invitations for the baby’s christening.

“How about comic sans?” I said “Oh no” she scoffed, “for this occasion we’re gonna need a baptismal font”.
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Did you hear about the ISIS graphic designer?

He was handed some selfies and asked to blow them up.
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I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in graphic design

I have over 300 confirmed designs and don't have a single job...
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Where do graphic designers go for a drink?

CGI Friday's
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So I used to date this graphic designer...

We broke up because I caught her cheating. Writing hundreds of letters to some guy named Lorem Ipsum. What a creep, right?
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What do graphic designers smoke up to get high?

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We Finally Know Why The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Is Leaning.

The graphic designer pressed the *ITALICS* key on accident.
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Father's Day

I don't get excited about gifts the way other people do, and it drives my wife nuts. For Father's Day, my wife was determined to get a reaction out of me and so she ordered me a custom-designed tie. She knew that I had two great passions in life: movies and dad humor, so she hired a well-known graph...
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A business owner posted an ad on classifieds looking for logo designers...

The ad said: "Looking for a talented youth that can design an attractive logo. As I am a small business owner, the work is unpaid. You will be working for exposure."

A recently graduated graphic designer reads this ad. As he was unemployed and struggling to find a job, he thought that he woul...
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My taxi driver asked me what I did for a living.

Me: work as a web developer and also part time as a graphic designer.

Driver: I don't like working for anyone, I like to be my own boss.

Me: that's cool, turn left ahead after the signal.
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A woman had quintuplets.

Not being a creative type, she named them after her various senses. As the children grew up, they maintained a good relationship; very few other people wouldn't tease them about their names. Naturally, the children excelled in different areas; Touch, for example, was great at History, and Sight was ...
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