diagramchartplotpolygoncurveprofilegraphical recordrepresentsubscriptpatternvertexlinearmatrixaffineflowchart

I made a graph showing my past relationships

It has an ex-axis and a why-axis

I just saw my math teacher lock himself in his office with a piece of graph paper.

I think he must be plotting something.

So I made a graph of all my past relationships...

It has an ex axis and a why axis.

My friends tell me I make too many graphs…

but I know where to draw the line.

I'm very good at math I can do number theory, combinatorics, but I cant bring myself to do graphs

That's where I draw the line

I just watched a movie about a y=x graph

The plot was a bit predictable

And a little flat

Good special f(x) though

I'm making a graph of my past relationships...

I have an 'ex'-axis and a 'why?'-axis.

Did you hear about the guy that tells everyone what the colors on the graph mean?

That guy’s a legend.

Graphing calculators cannot be trusted.

Theyre plotting something, I can feel it.

What do you call an unexpected wiggle on a straight graph?

A plot twist.

This morning I caught one of my kids with graphing paper.

I'm sure he's plotting something.

Jesus and Satan were having an on-going argument about who was better on the computer.

They had been going at it for days, and frankly God was tired of hearing all the bickering.

Finally fed up, God said, 'THAT'S IT! I have had enough. I am going to setup a test that will run for two hours, and from those results, I will judge who does the better job.'
So Satan and Jesus...

I was drawing a graph for my report expecting a straight line. But I got a curve.

What a plot twist

I got drunk and drew up a graph showing all of the relationships I've ever had.

It had an ex axis, and a why axis.

Why can't you trust a left-handed mathematician with graph paper?

They'll plot something sinister.

I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics...

But graphing is where I draw the line!

Why didn’t the English teacher like looking at graphs?

Too much x-position

Why did the graph fall off the cliff?

It had depression

My son used to be horrible at graphing trig functions.

Luckily he's made excellent sines of improvement.

My graphing calculator works really well...

Some would say it functions perfectly.

If topography was converted to a line graph.

Then America peaked somewhere around the Rockies.

My girlfriend's mood is like the graph of sin(x).....

Her mood goes up and down within one period.

What do you call an issue with the graph of a quadratic formula?

A parabolem.

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The teacher shows the student a blank graph

Teacher: Tell me the equation of this graph.
Student: This is fucking pointless

My wife has been secretly storing plenty of graph paper inside her closet.

I bet she is plotting something against me.

Have you seen the movie about a lone piece of graph paper?

The plot was a bit scattered.

Trying to create a decent graph of my data but some mystery guy keeps adding more samples to it.

The plot thickens.

I used to go out with a girl who was obsessed with graphs...

she was always plotting behind my back

I was going to write a book about an x-axis and y-axis on a piece of graph paper.

But there was no plot.

I made a graph to plot the curvature of bells.

The distribution was random.

Jimmy approached his teacher

After looking at the syllabus for their next lesson on graphing, Jimmy approached his teacher with a stern look on his face and said, “I’ll do algebra, I’ll do trig, I’ll even do statistics, but graphing is where I draw the line!”

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So this supermodel is teaching math class

All the boys would be entranced by her amazing figure, and they have a hard time paying attention. Meanwhile all the girls are jealous because she’s stealing all of their men.

One day, she was giving a lecture on graphing, so she told everyone to pull out their calculators. One boy’s calcula...

They’re all kinds of weird fetishs out there. Some people even get off on graphing.

Thats where I draw the line.

I’ll see myself out.

Why don't pencils and graph paper get along?

Because they're made out of graphite

This is a discussion about the safety of 4-wheelers/ATVs.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about the deaths and serious injuries related to these vehicles. In fact, if you plot those terrible outcomes against speed and operator inexperience, you can see that those events are clustered in the top right corner of the graph.

In other words, this is a ...

My father works as a statistician at Ford.

He must be pretty well-respected there, people are always asking for his auto graph.

One day at the Psychiatric Ward...

A psychiatrist is evaluating three new mental patients. He turns to the first one and asks, "How much is 3 times 3?"

The mental patient thinks and thinks. He racks his brain. Finally, after several minutes, he answers, "128!"

The psychiatrist turns to the second mental patient and asks...

I was making a graph of my past relationships. First I drew the Ex axis then the Why axis.

Full disclosure: I saw this in yik yak thought is share it here. :)

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Jesus and Satan are having a competition...

... to see who is the better Excel user. God is the judge.

Satan is killing it. He has pivot tables, graphs, macros. Jesus is doing ok - he has a few columns of data, some basic graphs and some formulae.

The time is nearing the 2hour time limit and suddenly the power goes off. Satan is...

Why did the author include a page with a computer generated grid in his book?

Because he auto graphed it.

A bartender walks into a bar

The bartender says to the bartender

“Welcome to my bar fellow bartender, what can I get you? Some bar food perhaps?”

To which the bartender replied

“I’ll have a steak bar the barbecue sauce.” Said the bartender

The bartender, a little offended that the bartender barred t...

A Math Quip

You couldn't tell an asymptote from a hole in the graph

A man is totally convinced he is dead.

His wife and kids do everything to try and convince him that he’s not dead. They take him to a doctor and for months every day the doctor shows him charts, studies, graphs, and statistics showing that dead men do not bleed, and finally the man is completely certain that dead men do not bleed.

I may be willing to solve equations..

but graphing is where I draw the line!

Two mathematics professors are sitting in a restaurant.

The first one says: "The average person is, mathematically, an idiot. People don't know algebra, can't figure out percents, can't read a simple graph, and don't even get me started on calculus..."

The second professor disagrees, "Surely you're exaggerating. Most people know all the math they ...

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Engineering pickup lines

Engineering pickup lines:

Hey babe, what's your factor of safety?

Can I use my sigma to find your tau max?

What frequency does it take to make your O-me-ga

How big does your period need to be to reduce our frequency

How about you and I go have a couple moment

A pirate walks into a bar…

A pirate walks into a bar with a small computer and monitor on his crotch. The bartender picks him out immediately and notices graphs and statistical functions appearing on the screen as the pirate walks up to him. When he reaches the bar, the pirate asks
for some rum.

The bartender says,...

What's Asian on top and black on bottom?

IQ distribution graph

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