split upmarriageannulmentseparatesplitseparationalimonydisunitedisjointdissociatebreak upbreakupunited statesdisassociateno-fault divorce

These two guys had just gotten divorces and they swore they would never have anything to do with women again. They were best friends and they decided to move up to Alaska as far north as they could go and never look at a woman again.

They got up there and went into a trader’s store and told him, "Give us enough supplies to last two men for one year."
The trader got the gear together and on top of each one’s supplies he laid a board with a hole in it with fur around the hole.
The guys said "What’s that board for?"
The tr...

Never get married. It'll only end in divorce. The statistics don't lie.

100% of divorces started with marriage. Can't say I didn't warn you.

why do divorces cost so much?

Because they are worth it.

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[NSFW] A Lawyer Marries a Woman who has had 10 Divorces.

On their wedding night, she tells him, "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin."

"What?" said the puzzled groom. "How can that be if you've been married ten times?"

"Well, Husband #1 was a sales representative; he kept telling me how great it was going to be.

Husband #2 was in sof...


If a man and woman are divorced in Arkansas, are they still brother and sister?

What do tornados in Kentucky and divorces in Kentucky have in common?

Either way, someone is going to lose a trailer

What car do people with 4 divorces drive?


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A man divorces his wife..

He's very aggravated and starts kicking items around the living room to take out the frustration. During his rampage he kicks over a bottle and a genie pops out.

The genie says "You have 3 wishes.."
"Great" the man said.
"But there is a condition, anything you get, your wife get...

If Melania divorces Donald Trump

Then an immigrant will get half of the US in the divorce settlement :)

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