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Why does a chicken coop have 2 doors?

If it had 4 doors it would be a chicken sedan.

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A farmer who raised chickens had just bought a young rooster and put it in his coop...

Soon the young rooster struts up to the old one and says, "Okay you old fart, time for you to retire. I'm in charge of the hens, now."

"Are you sure?" the old rooster asks, "It's pretty challenging watching over all these hens and keeping them in line, especially for a youngster who doesn't h...

A chicken farmer was found dead near his coop.

Police suspect fowl play.

A farmer left the door to his chicken coop open ...

Upon noticing his chickens are missing, he runs down the street in the direction he hopes they have gone. He runs into a man on the side of the road and asks "Have you seen a bunch of chickens this way?". The man replies that he hasn't. The farmer apologizes for wasting the mans time. The man re...

A sudden ruckus from the chicken coop wakes the old farmer and his wife.

The wife, wearing only her nightgown, rushed outside. She ran to the coop only to find a huge snake going after the eggs. She slammed her bare foot down on the head of the snake, ending it's life.

20 minutes later the farmer came into the coop to find his wife, toe tapping, hand on her hips,...

Why did the chicken get kicked out of the coop?

Because it was ostrich-sized.

There is no Turkey in the coop.

But there's a coup in Turkey.

How many doors does a chicken coop have?

Three. Two on the sides and one in the BOK

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My husband just explained the difference between me and a chicken coop

You can't put three cocks in a chicken coop.

My chickens were laying to many eggs so I had to sell their coop.

They now have a chicken sedan.

There was a bad storm that broke the chicken coop causing a farmer to lose a few chickens.

After the storm he asked his farmhand how many chickens were left.

β€œ16 chickens, sir.”

β€œAlright, round them up, please.”

β€œ20 chickens, sir.”

I've heard of chicken coops..

.. but never a turkey coup.

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