halogenchlorinechemical elementbromineatomic number 35brotherpaiodineaaprotonsfraterbrotherlyfraitaliaterrorism

I wanted to post a joke about Sodium but I was like Na, people won’t Understand.

Want to hear a joke about Sodium hypobromite?

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BR EAK ING NE WS...Just been arguing with my wife and she just told me, "I was right."

Please HELP me....What do I do next?
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Br eak ing Ne ws.

A 9 year old girl has disappeared after using moisturiser that makes you look 10 years younger.
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An American man gets married to a British woman

Before the big night, his father tells him: "Tonight I want you to carry your wife in your arms to show her that the US is a strong nation.

Then I want you to throw her on the bed to show her that the US is a proud nation

And finally I want you to take of your clothes to show her ...
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What do you call the space between the breasts of a woman with implants?

Silicone valley

Do you want to hear a joke about Sodium Hypobromite?

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I don't know.

So, there are three people living in a forest. There's a smart person, a person with average smarts, and an idiot. The smart person goes out and brings back a bear. The others ask him how he did it. He replies back with, "I find the tracks. I follow the tracks. I kill the bear." The next day, the pe...
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Two scientists are working together

Both have different projects to work on.

1st scientist saw 1 unknown chemical. Curiously, he asked,"Bro, what and whose chemical is this?"

2nd scientist replied, "Bromine"
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Two scientists are playing Minecraft.

Two scientists are playing Minecraft. One is new to the game and doesn’t know much about it. At some point, he crafts a pickaxe, but doesn’t know what to do with it, so he asks the more experienced scientist.

Scientist 1: Bro, what should I do with this pickaxe that I crafted?

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What did Sodium say to Bromine and Oxygen when they offered a threesome?

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The man who stutters tremendously finds a horse...

The man who stutters tremendously finds a horse on the street in Brooklyn. He decides call the police.
Man: I've f-f-found a w-w-wandering h-h-horse.
Policeman: Okay. We will come. Where are you now?
Man: In Br-r ... (stutters tremendously)
Policeman: Bronx?
Man: Br-r ... Damn (hangs ...
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My chemistry teacher asked me if I knew anything about sodium hypobromite.

I replied, "NaBrO"
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Magical Octopus

There was once a Man who traveled with the local fair, portraying his Magical Octopus. One fair a little boy cam up and said "how is he magical?" the man replied with " he can sing and play any instrument" so the little boy handed over his harmonica to the octopus. The octopus glanced at it, picked ...

Hey mate do you know what are the chemicals symbols for sodium, bromine and oxygen?

Na BrO !
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Genie’s 3 Wishes

Genie: aight, you got 3 wishes. What’d you like to wish for?

Me: I wish everything was 4 letters!

Genie: your wish is gran

Me: I wish ever word star with br

Genie: brur brsh br bran

Me: b brsh brer brde brth uh

Genie: bruh bruh bruh bruh
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Scientist: We've discovered a clump of atoms that has no sense of humor.

Me : You've got to br kidding.
Scientist : This is no laughing matter.
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You wanna hear about the time I gave my girl a shot of sodium, bromine, and oxygen?

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I asked the guy sitting next to me if he got any sodium Hypobromite,

He said NaBrO
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They told me to stop making chemistry jokes

But then I was like NaBrO
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A chemist walks into a bar...

Chemist: Do you have any Sodium Hypobromite?

Bartender: NaBrO
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Someone asked me if I smoked

I said sodium Bromate

Cuz NaBrO


Hope you liked my joke! Let me know if you think you've seen it before. I thought I came up with it but these Jokes are common and I'm not clever enough so I possibly read it somewhere...
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I asked a guy if he knew what the chemical formula was for Sodium Bromate...

He said NaBrO3
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Brangelina is no more.

And it's really sad to see that Brad Pitt is now just 'Br' while Angelina Jolie gets her whole forename back.
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Chemistry jokes

1. Did you hear about the chemist who got cooled to -273.15°C? He's 0K now.

2. What's the most electronegative state? Fluorida.

3. Wanna hear a joke about sodium bromite? NaBrO

4. Helium walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says "We don't serve noble gasses here!" H...
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Hunting by the Tracks

3 friends are out camping and hunting together. A blonde, brunette, and a redhead. They take turns going out hunting while the other two tend the camp. First the Brunette goes out hunting. She creeps off into the woods and a short while later comes back with a deer dragging behind her.

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Boudreaux and the foreman

Here is a nice corny oke im sure has been posted before

A Cajun man wants a job, but the foreman won't hire him until he passes a little math test.

Here is your first question, the foreman said. 'Without using numbers, represent the number 9.'

'Without numbers?' The Cajun says...

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So there are three friars living atop a mountain

So there are three friars living atop a mountain, and they tend to the most beautiful garden in all the land.
One day, one of the friars decides he could make a flower one hundred times prettier than all the other flowers in the garden, if only he could cross-breed a few that he had already.<b...

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