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What's the first thing a woman should do after returning home from the battered women's shelter?

The dishes if she knows what's good for her.

I Read That There Were 300 Battered Women In America Every Day

And all this time I've been eating them raw.

I just found out there is over 1 million battered women in the United States

and I’ve been eating them plain the whole time.

TIL there are over 20,000 battered women in the U.S. everyday...

I don't know if I can ever go back to eating them plain...

Battered women...

...sounds delicious. But that doesn't make it right!

50,000 battered women

And i still eat mine plain.

Troll enter chat

A user enters a chat room for battered women. They immediately type that their husband forces her to lie around on the beach in Tahiti and eat lobster, mahi mahi, crab and shrimp. The new user is flagged by the other battered women with real problems and the mods block this low level troll. The n...

Where do cannibals go to eat deep fried food?

The battered women's shelter

Did you hear about the new women's shelter?

It's called the "Tempura House"

It's for lightly battered women.

I saw a sign that said "Tempura House Shelter" so I was intrigued and went inside. I asked why it was named so.

They said it was for lightly battered women.

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