mathematicspolynomiallinear algebraarithmeticgeometrymatrixgroup theorygraphmathvectorabstract algebraalgorithmmultiplicationalgebraicring

Why is getting broken up with like doing algebra?

You've got an ex, and you're trying to figure out why.
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What do the Backstreet Boys and Algebra teachers have in common?

They both want you to tell them Y.
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An open letter to algebra teachers.

Dear algebra teachers,

Please stop trying to make us find your x. They're not coming back.

We don't know y either.


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"When am I ever gonna use this?" Asked the student to the algebra teacher

"Well you won't, but one of the smart kids might" he replied cheerfully
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I like linear algebra

It’s straight forward
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I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics...

But graphing is where I draw the line!
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My atheist friend failed algebra class because he couldn’t calculate exponents

He doesn’t believe in a higher power.
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I will never date a girl who doesn’t understand algebra jokes

That’s why my x is no longer in the equation
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Dear algebra, stop asking us to find your x

She's not coming back. And don't ask y.
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Why didn't the Romans find algebra very difficult?

Because X was always 10
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If I had a dollar for every time I've used algebra in my life

I'd have *n* dollars
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I passed my Algebra test today but failed my Biology exam.

The aftermath was really difficult.
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Why can’t politicians do algebra? (A series of jokes)

Why can’t politicians do algebra?

They can’t solve the inequalities.

Why can’t politicians do algebra?

They’re afraid of the radicals.

Why can’t politicians do algebra?

They’re just really stupid.
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Why is my algebra textbook so sad?

It has a lot of problems.
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Relationships are like algebra...

Ever look at your X and wonder Y?
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What's the scariest type of algebra?

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what is the similarity between algebra and pirates?

finding x.
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I have a fetish for doing algebra

I’ve come to terms with that
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Redneck Algebra

First base with your second cousin three times on the fourth of July.
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Why do the algebra books always ask you to "solve for X"?

I wish they'd just teach the X to move on and solve it's own problems.
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I heard you were good at algebra

Could you replace my x

without asking y?
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A small collection of my favorite science jokes

A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender, “How much for a drink?”

“For you, sir, no charge!”


What's 2 times 2?

Physicist: “After some measurements I am fairly sure it is somewhere between 3.81 and 4.13!”

Mathematician: “After some consideration ...
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My mom keeps trying to tell me the importance of Algebra:

But I still don’t see Y.
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I was really excited when I learned about imaginary numbers in my Algebra class.

Finally, I could plot my sex life.

What does the little mermaid wear to her maths classes?

An algebra
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Algebra reminds me of my past relationships

I mean, have you ever looked at your x and wondered y?
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I got in trouble in Algebra class today and had to stay after class for detention.

I didn't enjoy the aftermath.
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Before computers, we did Boolean algebra by hand. Everyone hated it.

It was all Boole sheet work.
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Algebra walks into a bar...

Orders a drink and sits at the bar alone. The bartender sees him sending multiple texts while constantly looking at the door.

Finally the bartender asks, "looking for someone?"

Algebra responds, "yeah, I'm trying to find my x"
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Two mathematics professors are sitting in a restaurant.

The first one says: "The average person is, mathematically, an idiot. People don't know algebra, can't figure out percents, can't read a simple graph, and don't even get me started on calculus..."

The second professor disagrees, "Surely you're exaggerating. Most people know all the math they ...
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My house was raided and the cops carted off books on algebra, trigonometry and calculus, plus dice and other probability-demo stuff.

They said it was weapons of math instruction.
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why didn't Hitler pass algebra?

He didn't know the final solution.

Which animal aced our Elementary Algebra exam?

The g-raph.
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A student brings a slingshot to algebra class and fires gum at the professor

It was a weapon of math disruption.
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I hope they never ban algebra...

Think of the aftermath!
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Why are rappers so afraid of algebra?

Cause X gonna give it to ya
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Something you have to take off to play with a mermaids tits.

There are many problems with math puns.

Calculus jokes are mostly derivative, trigonometry jokes are too graphic, algebra jokes are usually formulaic, and arithmetic jokes are pretty basic.

But the occasional statistics joke is an outlier.
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Two Math Professors in a Bar

Two professors, American and Soviet, are sitting in a bar in the middle of Moscow. They begin to have a heating conversation about levels of education in general population of their countries.

Soviet professor takes a break to go to the bathroom, and on the way there he stops their waitress a...
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Four Friends

Four friends have been doing really well in their algebra class: they have been getting top grades for their homework and on the midterm. So, when it's time for the final, they decide not to study on the weekend before, but to drive to another friend's birthday party in another city - even though th...
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My old girlfriend wanted me to do her college algebra homework for her

But frankly, I didn't want to solve for ex
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Why do japanese people love algebra?

Because they love their Sin Pi

I will see myself out the door.

What do you call a person who uses algebraic equations to calculate coffin sizes?

A mathemortician.
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what did Freud say about an algebraic equation?

What you do to one side, you must also do to your mother
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When I was in high school I had to have sex with my teacher so I wouldnt fail algebra...

... homeschool was weird.

My girlfriend txt me that when I got home she wanted me to give her something long and hard.

Where am I going to find a 12 page algebra exam at this time of night?
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There was a horse who was a genius at arithmetic...

...which it learned with no difficulty. Algebra was a breeze, and it could even prove theorems in Euclidean geometry. However, when someone tried to teach it analytic geometry, it would rear back on its hind legs, kick ferociously, neigh loudly, and make violent head motions in resistance.

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An algebra teacher had just finished his lecture when he saw a female student...

She had stayed behind after everyone else had left, furiously working away at proof exercises. The teacher walked up to her and said, "Why are you working so hard?"

She looked up and responded: "Harry Styles will marry me if and only if I finish top of my class."

The teacher looked be...

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TIFU...well it was actually yesterday, so YIFU by singing a Sam Cooke song for my GF on Valentine's Day:

Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took

But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me, too
What a wonderful world this would be

Don't know much about geograph...

Math is easy!

If there is one thing I learned in High school it’s that, relationships are like algebra, you look at your X and wonder Y.
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What does a mathematical mermaid wear when she can't find her seashells?

An algebra.
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Algebra must have trouble letting go of past relationships...

...it always wants people to find it's x.
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Jimmy approached his teacher

After looking at the syllabus for their next lesson on graphing, Jimmy approached his teacher with a stern look on his face and said, “I’ll do algebra, I’ll do trig, I’ll even do statistics, but graphing is where I draw the line!”
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Sex Is Like Algebra

Mr. Johnson keeps on making me do it

The President of the United States delivered a speech in Algeria recently...

"I would first like to apologise to the fine people of Algeria that I can not address them in their own language. Unfortunately, I was never that good at algebra."
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What's the difference between algebra and women?

I never use algebra.
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