
What do you call a person who uses algebraic equations to calculate coffin sizes?

A mathemortician.

what did Freud say about an algebraic equation?

What you do to one side, you must also do to your mother

What do you say to a nerd that broke their arm?

Wow, ***algebraic*** it?

A Mathematician

A mathematician gives his wife an algebraic expression and asks her to solve it while they were in bed.
The wife asks, "Why?"
"Because I need you to isolate the D. " Edit: Format

A collection of math jokes

A big, muscly man enters the bar, slams the counter and says in a deep voice: I want 10 times more beer than everyone here is having.

The bartender says: Now thats an order of magnitude


An infinite number of mathematicians enter a bar. The first asks for...

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