subtractionarithmeticadditiondivisionintegermatrixproductreal numberrational numbernatural numberfactorizationrectanglepropagationmodulocomplex number

Teacher: Why are you doing your multiplication on the floor?

Student: You told me not to use tables.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Sex is about division, not multiplication

So a long-married 60yo couple get a divorce and revenge remarry 20 year olds.

They bump into each other a year later. After an awkward exchange, the wife says.
'Well, at least I am better off than you.'.
'What do you mean', the ex hubby asked? ' I married a smoking hot 20yo and the sex ...

Growing up we didn't have a lot of money. I had to use a hand-me-down calculator with no multiplication symbol on it.

Times were tough

What do you get when multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction don't shower for a month?

The Odor of Operations

A plus sign, a multiplication sign , and a minus sign walk into a bar.

The bartender serves the multiplication sign first, then he serves the plus sign, and the minus sign from left to right and a bunch of people from Facebook don't know why.

I am bad at math, I often mix up multiplication and division.

Though I am great at biology, cause theyโ€™re the same damn thing!

Biology is the only science in which multiplication is the same thing as division.

Multiplication in biology means reproduction, which is microscopically accomplished by cell division.

Why do cellular biologists never agree with mathematicians?

For them, division and multiplication are the same thing.

I bought a 12ft tall multiplication symbol and just realised I can also use it as an addition symbol too.

That's a big plus.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

A blond is starting in 2nd grade

On the first day she comes home to her mother and eagerly yells: "Mom! Mom! Today we had English and I knew more words and could spell better than any other kid! Is it because I am a blonde?"
"No, honey", said the mother, "It is simply because you are smarter and more knowledgeable than the ot...

What kind of math was Jesus the best at?

Cross multiplication

A husband comes home one day and tells his wife he found Aladdin's lamp...

Wife: Oh my god, you're SO LUCKY! What did you wish for darling?

Husband: I asked him to increase your brain ten times.

Wife: Awww, you're so sweet baby! And did it work?

Husband: He laughed and said multiplication doesn't apply on zero.

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