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For years I was adopting this little African girl.

Until I saw this ad on TV, and I learned that for the cost of adopting her, I could buy a cup of coffee. Every day.

I was thinking about adopting a rare turtle today…

Ever since the oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico the turtles have been different. Apparently some of the dish soap used to clean the animals leaked into the ocean and the turtles drank it. It doesn’t harm the turtles, but they have the weird ability to pee out the dish soap.

Anyway the turtle...

Did you see the news about the trans couple adopting kids?

It was *Transparent*

During lockdown, middle aged women are adopting dogs at a rapid rate.

It's called the manypaws.

I'll see myself out.

I’ve started adopting sea creatures.

It’s my porpoise in life.

I had to call it quits

I tried adopting a puppy, but it was so hard, I had to call it quits.

Anyways, so this is my puppy, Quits.

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