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The mind of man

Do you believe men think with their dick?

Yeah? Want to blow my mind?

Did you all hear about the mind controlled air-freshener that Febreze is developing?

It's a bit crazy, but it makes scents when you think about it.

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The Mind Reader

The weather was very hot and a man wanted desperately to take a dive in a nearby lake. He didn’t bring his swimming trunks, but who cared? He was all alone. So he undressed and got into the water.

After some delightful minutes of cool swimming, he got out of the water and noticed two old ladi...

The mind of a fool is immune to change, and who can think it strange? The reasons clear for all to know...

A fool has no mind to change.

The mind that calls Covid-19 "the Chinese Virus" on live television is the same mind that called the CEO of Apple "Tim Apple" on live television.

The punchline: It's not racism, it's stupidity.

Today's my birthday. They say, as you get older, the mind's the second thing to go...

I can't remember what they said the first thing was.

What did Mike Tyson say to the Mind Flayers who tried to recruit him on their ship?

I won’t be a part of your illithid activities.

Q: What is the burning question on the mind of every dyslexic existentialist?

A: "Is there a dog?"

I have the eyes of an artist, the mind of a scientist, the hands of a pianist, and the heart of a child.

Now I'm getting the electric chair after I was caught trying to get the liver of a politician.

What is it called when your professor teaches you about the mind?

A mental breakdown

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Remember, regular sex keeps the mind active and the memory in tip-top condition.

I wish everyone a happy 2016!

Psychologists have discovered a new way to see into the minds of those with ADHD

They're calling it AD4K

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I have an old soul, the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child and the body of a stripper.

And that completes my basement collection of human body parts.

I have the mind of a German Shepherd and the body of and old man...

...and they are both in the trunk of my car.

Whenever we had guests over, my wife would get embarrassed because I have the mind of a child.

In a jar. On the coffee table. (Credit to Stephen King for this one)

Soup for the Mind in riddle form

1. a rooster lays an egg at the very top of a pointed roof. which way does the egg roll??

2. A plane crashes directly in the middle of the border between Canada and U.S.A. where where the survivors buried?

3. Two babys were born from the same mother, on the same day, of the same year, ...

(Infinity War Speculation) When Thanos gains the mind stone, he will turn into Palpatine.

Because The Avengers will pay for their lack of Vision.

I’ve been studying the mind a lot lately, and I’ve been finding it very interesting!

It really makes you think, y’know?

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