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A young woman is having lunch with an old friend who asks if she's very busy in her new job as a sex worker.

"Eh, it comes in spurts."

The beer bottle foamed, "Break me, you get a year's bad luck!" The mirror cracked, "Reflect on this ~ break me, y'all get 7 years bad luck!" "HA!! THAT'S ALL YOU GOT?? LOSERS!!" spewing and spurting...

...the condom slipped off...
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I finally got the nerve to ask out the hot French exchange student...

But for some reason, instead of answering, she commented on my recent growth spurt.

But her English isn't so good and I had to correct her.

"No no," I said, "there is no 'ARE' in the sentence. It is just 'You grew some'."
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Jesus, Moses and an old man are playing golf. They approach the most difficult water hole on the course.

Moses steps up and puts his drive straight into the hazard. He calmly walks to the edge of the pond and raises his club. The waters part, Moses walks down to his ball, and chips it onto the green.

Jesus, up next, also sends his drive into the drink. He calmly walks out over the water, loc...
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[NSFW] I've been working from home lately and I find my motivation is a lot like masturbation...

...It comes and goes in spurts.

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Two whales are swimming in the sea...

These two whales, we'll call them Mamma and son, were swimming in the wild blue yonder when Mamma saw a boat, she said to son "Son you keep your distance from them boats." For it was a harpoon boat, but just as they were turning around, BANG! THUD, the harpoon went right into the side of Mamma. Dow...

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Four men are stranded on a deserted island

After wandering for days, they finally come upon a small shack in the distance. Unsure of its safety, one friend volunteers to investigate while the other three stay behind.

Taking a deep breath, the bravest of the friends walks through the front door and finds a witch waiting for him.

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A man walks into a bar with a baby stork and a cat.

Sitting down, the man orders a beer, the stork orders a scotch, but the cat just sits at the bar and eats the free peanuts. The man catches the bartender staring incredulously, and asks him,

"do ya wanna know where I got these animals?"

The bartender nods.

"Well, about a week...

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As Jesus is hanging on the cross he calls out to St Peter

"Peter, my rock upon which I will build my church I have to tell you something"

"Yes Lord" and Peter starts to climb the cross. A Roman soldier comes by and says "You're not supposed to be up there". WHACK... cuts off one of his legs.

Peter tumbles to the ground in agony.

Jesus ...

What do you call a car that can go super fast, but only every now and then?

A spurts car
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Why is employee scheduling so difficult to get right for a brothel?

The customers tend to come in spurts.
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A married couple are out golfing.

The husband slices his tee shot into the trees. They find the ball resting behind an oak. The man is about to chip out onto the fairway when his wife, standing a few feet behind, stops him. "Honey, from here I can see the flagstick. Why not try to reach the green?" He takes a look, decid...

[NSFW] Stan had a short father and a tall mother.

As child, he was always worried that he'd be short. So when he hit his growth spurt and became quite tall, he was very happy. Every time he would see a family member they would say *"Look how tall you are, you must get it from your mom!"*

With his considerably large stature came his considera...
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(Job interview) What your biggest flaw?

Guy walks into a job interview and, sure enough, the inevitable "what's your biggest flaw" question comes along.

- 'honesty', he replies.

Being used to this sort of answer, the interviewer replies:

- "well, honesty is not really a flaw, so...."

Without missing a heartbeat...

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A man is ready to do it for the first time [NSFW]

He walks into a pharmacy late at night and goes to the counter, approaching the girl standing on the other side. "Do you have any condoms?" He asks her. "Yes, we have a few kinds. This is our best." She presents him with a blue box and says "Do you know how to use them?" He shakes his head. "Follow ...

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Hot Coffee...


Gotta love those grand-kids ..

I was eating breakfast with my 10-year-old Granddaughter and I asked her,

“What day is tomorrow?"

Without skipping a beat she said, "It's Presidents Day!"

She's smart, so I asked her "What does Presi...

An 11 year old boy is walking down the hall of his house at night and hears screaming from his parent's bedroom. He opens the door and sees his dad standing there with a wig on in assless chaps with his mom on the bed in cheerleading outfit...

An 11 year old boy is walking down the hall of his house at night and hears screaming from his parent's bedroom. He opens the door and sees his dad standing there with a wig on in assless chaps with his mom on the bed in cheerleading outfit...

"Daddy!? What is going on?!" the kid spurts out, ...
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Old farmer Joe is checking on his chickens

He notices that one of his chickens, Betty, is producing more eggs than any other chicken on the farm. What’s even more interesting is that they all look identical: same little freckle on the top, same patterns, even exactly the same colour! “This really is unusual,” he exclaims, and decides to inve...
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Three old men are sitting around the nursing home talking about how much it sucks getting old.

The first old guy says, "Every morning at 6 am I wake up and try to piss, but no matter how long I stay there or how hard I try, I can only dribble a few spurts of piss out."

The second old guy replies, "Oh yeah? Well, every morning at 6 am I wake up and need to take a shit, but even if I si...

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