
Everything is relative

There were two evil brothers. They were rich, and used their money
to keep their ways from the public eye. They even attended the same
church, and looked to be perfect Christians.

Then, their pastor retired, and a new one was hired. Not only could
he see right through the brothers...

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What is relative humidity ?

When the sweat from your balls runs down your sisters leg.

People say wealth is relative

The wealthier you are, the more relatives you will get.

My wife accused me of hating her family and relatives...

I️ said, “No, in fact, I️ like your mother in law a lot better than I️ like mine”

Success is relative….

The more success, the more relatives you have!

What is "relative to a short sleep?"

A napkin.


Some of us live thousands of miles away from most of our relatives and can't be with them this holiday season...

... Please don't be jealous

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What do rednecks affectionately call it when they are having sex with relatives?


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A Jew living in Soviet Russia writes a letter to his relative in America.

*Roza, food is so expensive here, you won't believe it. A chicken costs 5 rubles. Can you imagine? 5 rubles for a chicken.*

The next day, he gets a visit from the KGB. The KGB officer tells him, "you must rewrite the letter. Tell them food is cheaper and of better quality than in America"

We all have that one relative...

I'm not saying which relative…but a relative just called and asked if I would loan her $800.00 to help her pay her rent. Those who know me, know that I'm always willing to help out friends and family. I told her to give me some time to think about it and I would call her back. Before I called her ba...

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What's the definition of relative humidity?

The sweat that drops off your forehead while you're fucking your sister.

What's the definition of endless love?

Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles playing tennis.

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What do you call the sweat produced when two rednecks are having sex?

Relative Humidity.

I just found out a distant relative of mine has eaten three people.

It’s a lot to digest

My wife thinks that I don't care for her relatives.

I told her that's not true. I love her mother-in-law more than I love mine.

Encouraging a sick relative

The pandemic swept over the land and finally affected this one small town and one family in particular. Little Billy's beloved grandfather fell sick and had to be taken to the hospital. The family checked in with him virtually several times a week, and Billy's mother coached him on what to say duri...

An old woman is talking with a relative at her 4th husband's funeral

She says to the relative "he was a good man" the relative nodded she then said ya know I've been married for the 4th time and this is the last, the relative asked "what were your other husband's like" the woman said "my first husband was a banker, he was a hard working man". The relative asks "what ...

I have a now famous relative

I have a now famous relative named Neil Coal who works in music. Back in 2003 he was under pressure to release his first album.

You might know him as Niel Diamond.

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Do you know if it's possible to have a skin graft from your buttocks and donate to someone who isn't a relative?

Ass skin for a friend.

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What's the definition of "relative humidity"?

That's when the sweat off your balls runs down the crack of your sister-in-law's ass.

(Too rude?)

If time is relative...

... can a joke about Hawking dying be "too soon"?

Who is a penguin's favorite relative?

His Aunt Arctica

While visiting a distant relative I hadn't visited in years, I asked my mom's cousin George for his Wi-Fi password. He said, "Start with an uppercase S, then 123."

As soon as George had left to do an errand, I tried to log onto his Wi-Fi. But every time I typed S123, it wouldn't work. After two hours of failure, George came back.

I told him, "I used the password you told me to use, but it never worked! can you log onto the Wi-Fi for me?" George typed th...

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What is relative humidity?

The sweat that accumulates on the back of your sisters neck when you're fucking her in the ass.

Edited: fixed spelling for spelling trolls.

They say you can tell if a woman likes you based on the position of her ankles relative to her ears

For example, if her ankles are behind them, she likes you a LOT

Just got an app that tells me which one of my relatives are racist

It's called Facebook

What you call a relative that lives in another country?


They say attractiveness is relative...

my cousin seemed to disagree

The key of C takes its relative to the bar and orders them both a beer.

The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but I can't serve A minor."

Two cannibals are eating a relative. One says to the other:

"Does this taste familiar to you?"

Why did the paleontologist have to use relative dating?

Because he was in Alabama.

What's the difference between calling your boss or calling an annoying relative

With the boss, you get paid to listen to their nonsense

A teenager is trying to decide where to go to college.

He's stuck at a crossroads between three schools - Harvard, Hampden-Sydney, and Alabama. To try and get some guidance, he asks his father,

"Well, what are my chances of getting laid at Harvard?"

"Oh, not good at all," his father says. "They're too focused on studying and working to hav...

How does a viola greet a relative?


My elderly relatives liked to tease me at weddings, saying, "You'll be next!"

They stopped once I started doing the same to them at funerals.

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For some, looks are the most sexually appealing trait, while others are turned on by personality. But for me it’s all relative.


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Do you know what "relative humidity" is?

It's that little drop of sweat that forms on the tip of your nose when you're fucking your cousin.

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Reddit is like my relatives

Some people agree with me.

Some are disagreeable.

Some want to love you.

Others hate you.

Some are disappointed in you.

And some will always look up to you.

And whenever I'm feeling low I can always jack off.

Baby, are you a relative minimum of a function?

Because when I found you, my life changed from negative to positive.

I can’t believe it’s been more than 100 years since Einstein first proposed that Time is Relative.

Seems like only yesterday.

What do you call a great great grandparent who had a child with a blood relative?

A incestor.

--*Sorry grammar, not my mother thongue*

Every year I organize a patient-relative charity event to benefit Alzheimer’s research.

I tell the patients to invite their whole family but nobody ever shows up.

A distant relative of mine died and I came into some money...

but my friends told me that I have a weird fetish.

What do you call a fat relative around Halloween?

A plump-kin

In their biology class, students are given an activity that introduces them to relative dating...

One Student: "Relative Dating? This isn't Alabama!"

What do hillbillies call their relatives from past generations?

Their incestors

Came up with it myself. How did I do?

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What’s the difference between being in a sexual relationship with your sister and your sister being in a sexual relationship with you?

Nothing, it’s all fucking relative.

As the man made his way to his seat at the World Cup Final, he couldn't help but feel excited.

But as he sat down by the pitch, he noticed the seat next to him was empty. "What a waste," he thought to himself. "Who would have a seat like this and not use it?"

Curiosity getting the best of him, he leaned over to his neighbour and asked if someone would be sitting there. "No," the nei...

My Chemistry homework is asking me to rank the bonds by relative strength.

Could Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig beat Sean Connery in a fight?

In other places, a suitable partner is judged on a 1-10 hotness scale.

In Alabama, they use relative humidity.

What do mosquitoes and relatives have in common?

They both share your blood

I recently was told that a deceased relative left me with a piece of their property that's potentially worth millions of dollars:

a lottery ticket.

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Why don’t Jews have Jedi relatives?

No Force kin

How do you call your passed away relatives?

My brother-in-lawn

People would never sleep with their relatives

Unless they incest.

What's something you can say to your pet and your conservative relatives?

Awe, that's a big stretch.

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