
I got an iPad from my chinese friend...

I love homemade gifts!

What's the differnce between Donald Trump and an iPad?

Trick question, you shouldn't compare apples and oranges.

What do you call a hooker wearing knee pads.


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Why do tampons think they're better than pads

Because they're stuck up cunts

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To all new iPad owners.

When you masturbate in front of your new device, make sure to put some porn on its screen to avoid embarrassment.

I asked my daughter if sheā€™d seen my newspaper. She told me that newspapers are old school. She said that people use tablets nowadays and handed me her iPad.

That fly didnā€™t stand a chance.

What did the Maxi Pad say to the fart?

You are the wind beneath my wings.

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Why can't an orphan use an iPad?

He/She won't find the home button.

I got a free iPad and iPhone today.

It's like... this gun is magic!!!

What is the padding in a pushup bra made from?

Mammory Foam

What do you call the opposite of an iPad mini?

A maxipad.

My girlfriend is like my iPad

i don't have an iPad.

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A doctor pulls out his pad to write when he notices...

...that heā€™s holding a rectal thermometer. He thinks to himself, ā€œWell, some assholeā€™s got my pen.ā€

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A man had three beautiful girlfriends but didnā€™t know which one to marry. As a test, he decided to give each woman $5,000 to see how they would spend it.

The first girlfriend went out and got herself
a complete makeover, She told him,
"I spent the money so I could look pretty for you because I love you so much."

The second went shopping and bought the man new golf clubs, an iPad and an 80-inch flatscreen television. She said,"I bought th...

My niece just showed me a picture of her new girlfriend dressed in hockey gear, pads, mask and all

I said "She looks like a keeper"

Kids today are way too expensive. Now days they want iPads and PlayStations.

They used to just get in the van if you offered them candy.

My wife got a new iPad.

It's a Kotex with 200 songs included.

They're all ragtime, though.

Why did the blonde throw her iPad into the ocean?

So she could get it to sync!

I asked my wife for a newspaper. She said not to be daft and to borrow her iPad.

That spider didn't know what hit it.

That Priceless Look

I was visiting my son last night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper. ā€˜This is the 21st century,ā€™ he said. ā€˜People donā€™t waste money on silly newspapers. Here, you can use my iPad, if you can figure it out.ā€™

I tell you this, that damn fly never knew what hit itā€¦ and, the look on my son...

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An artist's wife starts having sex with him daily.

While a bit unusual, he didn't question it and just enjoyed the ride. One day, his wife approached him.

"Honey? Can you sketch a picture for me?"

"Of course!" he replied. "What would you like me to draw?"

"What you think our baby will look like."

He stared back at her, ey...

A couple of years ago, one night, I was about to propose to my girlfriend...

...when my roommate Joseph barged into the room out of nowhere, tripped and fell over, breaking a glass table with his face. Totally ruined the mood. Now, I didn't know Joseph THAT well, don't even remember where he was from, but let' just say I put my plans on hold to help him through his injuries....

I bought some new brake pads imported from Israel

My car can now stop on a dime

One day a frog grew tired of living on a lily pad.

He decided he wanted to get a house. So he went to the bank and asked if he could get a loan for a house. The banker said that he can have a loan if the frog can give some collateral. The frog had no idea what collateral was and asked what it is. The banker said that collateral is when you give the ...

I just named my iPad "The Titanic"

...so when it syncs, iTunes tells me "The Titanic is syncing."

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A menstrual pad goes to school where she got bullied by two tampons

The toilet roll walked up to her and told the menstrual pad ā€œDonā€™t listen to them, Theyā€™re both stuck up cuntsā€

Why donā€™t they have iPads in Russia

Because they only have wePads

An 80 year old man finds a talking frog

An 80 year old man is out by a pond one day when a frog jumps onto a lily pad nearby.

ā€œExcuse me sir,ā€ says the frog, ā€œI know I may appear to be just a frog, but Iā€™m actually a beautiful princess. A witch has placed a curse on me to keep me in this form. The only thing that can break this cu...


Apple will be unveiling a larger iPad.

Proctor & Gamble is set to file suit over trademark infringements over Apple's new Max iPad.

Have you heard about the new padded bra that's on the market?

It's made of Mammary Foam.

Life before the computer:

Memory was something that you lost with age. An application was for employment. A program was a TV show.

A cursor used profanity. A keyboard was a piano. A web was a spider's home. A virus was the flu.

A CD was a bank account. A hard drive was a long trip on the road. A mouse pad wa...

A librarian is at work at a pubic library and sees a chicken walk in.

The chicken walks up to the counter and says "book, book, book, book."

This continues until the librarian passes a book to the chicken who takes it and pushes it out the door.

A few minutes later the chicken comes right back on, pushes the book up to the counter and says "book, book, b...

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A frog was sitting on a lily pad and saw a fly..

Little did the fly know the frog was thinking "if that fly moves down 4 inches I can grab it".

Little did the frog know a fish was thinking "if that fly moves down 4 inches the frog will grab it and I can eat the frog".

Little did the fish know a bear was thinking "if that fly moves do...

What does your Mom have in common with the word "padded"?

They both have three ds in them.

My doctor told me I have an unhealthy obsession with iPads.

So he gave me some tablets.

A chicken walks into a library, goes up to the desk and says "buk".

So the librarian gives the chicken a book. The chicken walks outside with the book and comes back 5 minutes later without the book.

"Buk, buk" says the chicken again, so the librarian gives it another book, it walks outside and returns with no book.

"Buk, buk" it says, and the same ...

The hut with an attic

The king of a small nation lived in a palace that was, in actuality, just a straw hut with an attic. Still, with the king living there, it was indeed a palace, as far as the citizens of that nation were concerned. The king would greet guests while sitting cross-legged on the floor.


Are knee pads...

... the perfect gift, for givers?

Once a half wit homeless man saw a lady buying sanitary pads.

Man: X'cuse me ma'am if you could share some of those bread with me I'll be very grateful.

Lady: Sure. I'll come back tomorrow with the jam on it.

I was thinking of buying the black iPad mini..

Apparently, it runs faster.

long. Two cops lead an unfortunate man into a padded cell

Instantly the men in white coats grab him, wrench his arms behind his back and, when he screams in pain, the psychiatrist tears down his trousers and jags him with a needle.

As they're carrying the unconcious body out the younger of the cops, shocked, says:

"Was that really necessary? ...

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My girlfriend said she wanted a mouse pad for her birthday.

Pretty weird, I thought. Surely that would make her vagina really itchy.

Why did the blonde put her iPad in the blender?

She wanted apple juice.

My friend thinks I'm nuts. Says I belong in a padded room.

I said it couldn't hurt.

Why do hockey players wear so many pads?

Because they have 3 periods every game!

The last time I played tackle football without pads l broke three ribs and a collar bone.

Fortunately, none of them were mine.

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Got gas?

A guy walks into a proctologist's office and says, "Doc, my farts don't smell. Could it be a new stomach virus?"

The doctor ushers him into a small exam room, closes the door and instructs him to pass gas. The man grunts and lets loose a mighty bafoon. The doctor immediately takes out his pad...

Why don't they use Macs/iPads in hospitals?

Because using an Apple a day keeps the doctors away.

13 blackberries and 5 iPads walk into a bar...

They leave hammered

What do you get when you combine a Christmas tree with an iPad?

A pineapple

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The Canadian Government is considering forcing all large businesses to provide their employees with tampons and pads free of charge.

Businesses say the costs will be tough to absorb....

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I was walking into Best Buy...

When I saw a dwarf walking out carrying a flat screen TV. I asked him, "Are you going to be able to carry that TV by yourself?" He screams back, " Fuck you! It's an iPad!"

Apparently 30 percent of under-6's in the U.S know how to use an iPad.

Whereas 100 percent of under-6's in China know how to make one.

Apple is moving its production facilities from China to Thailand.

Say hello to iPad Thai.

I'd rather have a laptop than an iPad.

At least you can slam it shut when your lady walks in.

What is a pervertā€™s favorite kind of stationery?

A Barely Legal Pad

Pat always dream of being a vampire

One day, Pat found a lamp, he rubbed it, and a Genie came out from the lamp.

"I am granting you 3 wishes, what is your 1st wish, Pat?"

"I want my face to be white." Pat didn't wait for the Genie, he continued, "I want to have wings, and I want to suck blood, a lot of blood. Yes, I ...

I asked a young girl, "How do you get all these expensive things? New iMac, iPad, iPhone?!"

She smiled and said, "iSwallow."

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You ladies who only use tampons should really give pads a try. I'll even send you a sample for free.

No strings attached

What did the two iPhones say to the two iPads?

"Want to get kinky and have a 4G?"

Why did Steve Jobs' face always look so calm and collected?

Because he used eye-pads before sleep

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A guy goes to see his doctor

"I'm stressed out by the most simple social interactions," he says.

"Very common," says his doctor. "I'll write you a prescription. Your insurance covers that."

"Sometimes I hear voices telling me to hurt myself and others," he says.

"That's fine as well," says the doctor, scrat...

A cop pulls over an old coupleā€¦

Asks for license and registration and asks do you know how fast you were going sir?

- husband: ā€œgee officer Im not sureā€
- wife: 85 mph officer, he passed several signs before you pulled him overā€
The husband then looks the wife with the corner of his eye obviously upset

The poli...

I bought a shabby little place in Bangkok above a nice restaurant.

It was a bad Thai pad, but good pad Thai


Twenty feet below sea level, a diver notices another guy at the same depth with no scuba gear.
The diver goes down another 10 feet, and the guy joins him a minute later. The diver goes below 15 more feet, and a minute later, the same guy joins him.
The diver takes out a waterproof pad and penc...

[Long] A man was playing golf one sunny afternoon when he hit his ball into a pond.

As he approached the water to retrieve his ball, he noticed a small frog sitting on a lily pad.
To his surprise, the frog spoke up and said, "Excuse me, sir, but I'm not actually a frog. I'm a beautiful princess under a curse. If you kiss me, I'll transform back into my true form, and I'll be for...

Got sent home from work for my Halloween costume..

Apparently, being a brillo pad was too abrasive for some people.

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A man with a 25 inch penis...

Was having a hard time getting laid so he goes to the doctor. The doctor said ā€œNo, Iā€™m sorry but you will have to go to a surgeonā€. The man goes to the surgeon and the surgeon said ā€œ Sorry thereā€™s nothing I can do but you can try a witch doctorā€. So the man thought at this point he might as well giv...

Your momma so fat,

She sat on an iPhone and turned it into an iPad!

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So a frog walks into a bank.

So a frog walks into a bank and he goes to the front desk. He looks at the person at the front deskā€™s name tag, its says ā€œMrs. Patty Whackā€

ā€œCan I help youā€ she says.

ā€œYes I would like a loanā€ said the frog.

ā€œA loan? What does a frog need a loan for ā€œ

ā€œI would like to...

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A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture...

when suddenly a plain white Chevy advanced out of the dust cloud towards him. The driver, a rather stiff man in a suit and tie, leaned out the window and asked the shepherd... "If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?" The shepherd looked at the man, obvious...

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A Newlywed Couple Waited for Marriage to Have Sex...

A couple wanted to wait to have sex until the night of their wedding. As the big day got closer the bride tells the groom she has a confession to make.

"I am as flat as a board. I'm sorry, I have been using the best padded bras on the market to make people believe I actually have breasts. I ...

The guy is in the hospital on the verge of death,

full of tubes to keep him alive as long as possible. The family calls the priest to give him the final rites. When the priest sits at the head of the dying man, his condition seems to deteriorate rapidly, and he frantically gestures for something to write. The priest gives him a pad and a pen, and t...

We had a power outage today...

...and my PC, laptop, TV, DVD, iPad & surround sound music system were all shut down.

Then I discovered that my phone battery was flat and I couldn't charge it.To top it off it was snowing outside. So I couldn't play golf and I couldn't fish. I went into the kitchen to make coffee and t...

A frog is sitting on a lily pad in the middle of what is clearly a river. He shouts to a toad on the shore, "Hey, look at me, I'm on a lake!" The toad yells back,

"Naw man, you're in de-nile"

My wife wanted me to make her feel special

So I gave her a padded helmet

What do you call it when an Apple fan is watching a 90s movie on a tablet about a dog that plays basketball on their wireless headphones?

They're watching Air Bud on their iPad through their Air Pods earbuds.

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The other night, my girlfriend and I were having sex...

The whole time, she kept saying things like, "Oh baby, it's so hot, I'm so hot, babe." I thought, "Man, she's really into it tonight." Afterward, she turns to me and says, "I can't believe we had sex on top of your heating pad."

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Chemistry Joke

So a Physicist, Chemist and Biologist walk down the beach to the ocean. They stand together and watch the waves as the water splashes up to meet their feet. "Look at those waves, the shear crushing weight of the water powered by tidal forces! I must study them further!" Says the Physicist, as he wal...

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Doctor, My husband just canā€™t have enough sex

A married woman goes to her doctors office and starts complaining: ā€œitā€™s just too much doctor, my husband just wants to sex me up all the time, in the bed, in the kitchen, in the backyard, after dinner, before breakfast, standing up, sitting down and I canā€™t take it anymore is there something that I...

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Whoever said technology will replace paper

..has obviously never tried to wipe their ass with an iPad!

What's the difference between a hockey player and a hippie chick?

Hockey players take thier pads off after three periods.

Whatā€™s a vampireā€™s favorite ethnic food?

Maxi Pad Thai.

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Rented myself a little studio in Glasgow. It's so nice that every girl I've brought back has instantly agreed to sex.

I love my aye pad.

You get what you paid for

So a little girl is walking on the sidewalk, a car stops and a man says "come in the car, I'll give you candy" the girl says " no, I'll walk"...5 min. later the same car stops again and the man says "I'll take you home, I'll give you a whole bag of chocolate" the girl says "no, I'll just walk home"...

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