To reduce waste, our city has told food truck operators that they must donate all unsold items each night.
I applaud the effort, but given how little space the trucks have in the first place, it seems like there's really not much room for waste to begin with. So, I've gotta ask....
How much food would a food truck chuck if a food truck could chuck food?
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Was it hard to find guillotine operators?
Not really, some people will do anything to get A Head.
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What is a crane operators favourite music genre?
Heavy metal
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Here's a joke about a terrible cable car operator
So there was this man who had only one ambition in his life: he wanted to live in San Francisco and drive cable cars. So he moved there, and studied, and took a test to become a cable car driver. He failed. Studied some more, took the test again. Again he failed. Finally, on the third attempt, he pa...
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Telegraph Operators once complained to Morse how some of his codes were confusing and needs to be revised.
But he had no remorse.
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My dad met a group of forklift operators today
He said they were very uplifting
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Why do crane operators seem to always get dates?
They have the strongest pick up lines.
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A pair of Nuclear Missle operators, one American, one Russian, had a one-night stand.
When they parted, each told the other, "I'll miss you."
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Do you know what they say about Bomb Disposal Operators?
They only make one mistake in their whole life.
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