tissuehuggiestrademarkfacial tissuediaperscottonellecheerioshandkerchiefpouchbrand nametissuespocketpursefrostedwallet

What's a box of Kleenex favourite spa treatment?

Deep tissue massage

How do you make a Kleenex dance?

Put a boogie in it!

I tripped over a box of Kleenex this morning and thought I had broken my ankle.

Thankfully, it was just soft tissue damage.

I asked my secret crush if she wanted to invest in my new invention idea, chloroform kleenex.

She decided to sleep on it...at my place.

At least I know I can't get an STD from my ex!

It was a KleenEX

A huge difference

There is a huge difference between when a man or a woman say "I went through a whole box of Kleenex watching that movie"

I carry tissues around with me so I never get an STD

I always have kleenexes

What do you get when you break up with your girlfriend in the shower?

A Kleenex

(OC) Wanna know my secret to not catching STD's?

I have kleenexes.

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The woman in the store

A woman walks into a store. Billy the clerk and the manager are talking away, and the woman asks the clerk where some stuff is.

Woman: "Excuse me sir, do you know where the Kleenex, toilet paper, ear cleaners, napkins, and tampons are?

The manager replies with, "Dear Lord Billy, help h...

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