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I just saw a BMW driver using his indicators correctly on the motorway. Twice.

Should I report the vehicle as stolen?
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BMW Recall

In an unprecedent move and after many complaints from non BMW owners, BMW has recalled their entire fleet of vehicles to assess the electrical fault that prevents indicators from flashing...
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At the dentist.

Was at the dentist this morning and there was a BMW brochure in the waiting room for some reason so I had a leaf through it and I was surprised to learn that indicators come as standard on them.
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If you ever think your job is pointless, just remember...

You could be the guy who installs indicators on BMWs.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

I put my hand out for a taxi driver.

Cheap bastard could at least fix his indicators.

Two Irishmen are doing an MOT

Two Irish men were doing an MOT on a cars indicators. Paddy and mick were like it’s werkin, it’s not werkin, it’s werkin, it’s not werkin
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Car check

Two blonde girls were driving home one night when one asked the other to check if the car's indicators are working.

She promptly sticks her head out the window and says: "Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no."
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Fun with police

Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a local pub. Late in the evening the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so intoxicated that he could barely walk.

The man stumbled around the car park for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing.

After what seemed an eternit...
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If you ever feel like your life is meaningless and pointless

Just remember that someone out there is fitting indicators on BMWs
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How can you see that a Tesla is on AutoPilot?

It uses its turn indicators.
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A man is out driving his Lada when it brakes down on the autobahn

Soon afterwards a porsche pulls up behind the Lada, "do you want a tow?" The porsche driver offers.
"Yes please" exclaims the Lada driver "I will put on my indicators if I think you are going too fast"
The porsche driver agrees and sets off towing the Lada,
After about half an hour a Lambor...
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Safety brief: Bears

If you know you will be in an area where bears may be, it will be helpful to bring a couple of items with you.

First, attach little bells to your belt so that as you walk it makes noise. This will ensure that a bear will hear you from a distance and you will not startle it.

Second, car...
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