
My uncle was injured in an explosion at the cheese factory today.

He was hit by a chunk of da Brie

During a nuclear explosion

There is a certain radius where all the frozen pizza's are perfectly cooked.

Also, where the people are perfectly cooked.

Flavour zone!

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My sex life is like an explosion

I watch them online, but never take part

Did you hear about the cheese factory explosion in France?

There was de-brie everywhere

Did you hear there was a nuclear explosion in space this morning?!

Most people call it the sun.

Note: My dad pulled this on me this morning. My friend hit me when I told them.

Where did Sally go during the explosion?


source: https://twitter.com/AntiJokes_Kapil

An explosion happened at a clothes store.

There were many casual tees.

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I just failed a fire safety course when they asked what steps I would take in case of an explosion.

Apparently “Fucking large ones” wasn’t an acceptable answer.

My dad said there'd been an explosion at the potassium factory.

K boomer.

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A flavor explosion

To spice up Fajitas with flavor on top.

I picked up a bottle of Frank's Extra Hot.

My payment for daring this flavourful ocean.

Is me on a throne with an anal explosion.

There are 2 people on a boat…

There are two people on a boat; they have three cigarettes. However, they don't have a lighter. What do they do?

They throw a cigarette overboard and the whole boat *became a cigarette lighter!*

I lose my White friends in the snow, I lose my Black friends at night, I lose my Asian friends in the sand, where do I lose my Arab friends?

In an explosion.

Did you folks hear about the protein shake factory explosion in Uganda?

There was nothing left but *de whey*

There's been an explosion at the paint factory where my brother works.

He's missing, presumed red.

Do t-rex like explosions

I dont know but another dino might

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Stanley was killed in a freak explosion in his garage...

There was nothing Stanley liked better than drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, and hunting. At least twice a week, Stanley went out in the woods with his hunting buddies Cletus and Jimmy. They never shot much, but they always had a few cases handy and always had a good time. They were practically in...

Did you hear about the explosion at the Nissan factory?

It was raining Datsun cogs.

I was involved in quite a bad explosion the other day.

I was buying a grenade and the woman at the counter said "Can I have your pin please?"

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Two explosions walk down the street...

Two explosions walk down the street when an implosion silently walks past them. The first explosion says to the other explosion: „Fucking introverts“

my aunt ruth died in a horrible explosion

they couldn't even find any body parts to put in the casket

the funeral was ruthless.

Did you hear that Napoleon died in an explosion?

He was Blown-apart

Recently my rug got destroyed due to multiple explosions.

I guess you could call it a carpet bombing.

I had to use a yardstick to stop a bomb explosion...

Drastic times call for drastic measures

We had an explosion in one of our chemistry labs last week.

Nobody got hurt, but the chemist responsible is the laughing stock of his group.

We use a lot of helium in the military, that's why when there's a shortage you can't get it for balloons - it's being stockpiled by the DOD. We use it to stabilize a variety of substances for storage.


Why did Reddit have a rapid implosion/explosion this afternoon?

I heard it had something to do with supermassive bodies.

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What did redditor say after seeing an explosion?

edit: Holy shit that blew up

It is 1939 and a Soviet army is marching on Finland

As they pass the border, they hear a Finnish voice over the hill -

"One Finnish soldier is better than 10 Soviet soldiers!"

The Soviet general laughs, as he sends 10 men on the hill to capture it.

There is gunfire for a minute and then everything goes silent for a moment, and th...

A terrific explosion occurs in a gunpowder factory

And once all the mess has been cleared up, an inquiry begins. One of the few survivors is pulled up to make a statement.

"Okay Mr. Milly Terry," says the investigator, "you were near the scene, what happened ?"

"Well, it's like this. Old Hugh Cumber was in the mixing room, and I saw hi...

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I'm in a band called colon explosion.

People say our music's the shit.

Did you guys hear about the explosion at the cheese factory?

Da brie was everywhere!

It’s going to cost them a lot of cheddar!

Luckily they have a Swiss account saved up.

It surely won’t be gouda.

It even destroyed their onsite cottage!

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A Redditor accidentally trips and sets off an explosion in a precious metal mine. What’s the first thing they say?

Holy crap this blew up!

Uhhh thanks for the gold stranger!

An old joke from my childhood that is sadly relevant again.

**Bert and Ernie had worked together as radio hosts for twenty years.**

They traded jokes, played pop music and generally made people's lives a touch brighter as they trundled to work.

In one of the breaks they received a Fax. Ernie picked up the page and was in shock. Ernie silentl...

I went to a cheese factory the other day, but there was a massive explosion.

There was de *brie* everywhere.

Sorry, too *cheesy*?

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A Russian is digging around an old battlefield.

He occasionally finds bits of metal worth scrapping, or something interesting enough to keep. Today, he finds a small clump of smooth metal, only a few inches wide. He tosses it from hand to hand, appreciating the way the morning light glares against the surface of the metal. The man wonders if ther...

I was caught up in an explosion at a sauce factory

It was traumatising, but I finally mustard up the courage to talk about it

Pakistani math problem.

Ahmed has 3 lunch boxes.
He gives one to Mohammed and another to Hassan. Calculate the radius of the explosion.

Did you hear about the explosion in the care home for deaf people?

Neither did they.

Did you hear about the explosion in a garment factory

Apparently there were over a hundred casual tees

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