detonateblow upburstdetonationdestroyexplosioneruptexplosivebombblastdynamitedisintegratecollideset offburst forth

Did you hear about the cheese factory in France that exploded ?

There was nothing left but de brie
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What did Zelensky reply to Putin when he called him to complain about the exploded bridge?

“Crimea River!”
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Chuck Norris killed 50 enemy combatants with a grenade

Then the grenade exploded.
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Where did the guinea pig go when the pet shop exploded?

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My chemistry teacher exploded when he caught me goofing around in the lab

I accidentally made nitroglycerin.
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What's worse than waking up with a dick drawn on your face?

Someone telling you it was traced on.
[edits up: guys i gotta say something - HOLY SHIT MY PHONE EXPLODED FROM REPLIES]
[edits up again: have the credits
https://youtube.com/shorts/hSK1Vyoimps?feature=share this joke was too funny not to tell]

My dog died. He exploded.

He was a mixed breed. Half golden lab, half meth lab.
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Hey girl, are you an obelisk?

Because I'm trying to find out what an obelisk is through process of elimination.
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So my Irish friend decided to tell his community he's an atheist...

One man in the crowd then yelled "Yes, but is it the Catholic god you don't believe in or the Protestant one?"

(Wow this exploded. Front... *wow*. Gotta say, I like the (current) top comment's version more.)
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A cheese factory exploded recently..

...Unfortunately, nothing could be salvaged except for de-brie.
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I had a bukkake party last night.

It was a disaster. Nobody came.
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A strange insect crawled onto my kitchen counter & exploded!

I think it was a Jihaddy long legs
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A boy paid a girl $10 to climb a flagpole...

She agrees and climbs the flagpole. When she gets home she tells her mother what happened. Her mother said "honey, he just wanted to see your underwear." The next day the same boy was standing by the flagpole and said "I will give you $20 to climb the flagpole." Again she agrees and climbs. She goes...
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A man applies for a government job

A guy goes into the Post Office to apply for a job. The interviewer asks him, “Are you allergic to anything?” He replies, “Yes, caffeine. I can’t drink coffee.

”Ok, Have you ever been in the military service?”

“Yes,” he says, “I was in Afghanistan for one tour.”

The interviewer ...

Did You Hear About the Pottery Furnace That Exploded?

It was terrible. They had to notify its next of kiln.
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I tried to open a bag of Lays but it exploded all over me.

I've had a chip on my shoulder ever since.
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Tried to spike my pumpkin spice latte with LSD and it exploded

That’s what happens when you mix acid and basic
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A guy exploded himself after asking me what damage could explosives do

All i said is "c4 yourself"
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Do you know why the T-Rex exploded?

he was dinomite
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A DEA officer stopped at our farm yesterday...

"I need to inspect your farm for illegal growing of drugs."

I said, "Okay, but don't go into that field over there....."

The DEA officer verbally exploded saying, "Mister, I have the authority of the federal government with me!" Reaching into his rear pants pocket, the arrogant officer...

Did you hear about the shoe factory that exploded?

Many soles were lost...
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In 1919, a storage tank full of molasses in Boston exploded, causing a flood that killed 21 people.

I guess you could call it the Boston Molassacre.
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What do you call 'an exploded hero'?

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A once small tree house building business exploded into a giant nationwide company.

They have branches everywhere these days.
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What did the french chef say when the cheese factory exploded?

What did the french chef say when the cheese factory exploded?

Looks like we have debris all over the place
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A bus driver was called into court for killing 24 children and 6 adults

The judge asks the bus driver "why did you kill all those innocent people?"

The bus driver, looking a little sad, says "I didn't mean too, It was by mistake!"

"How did it happen?" Asks the judge.

"Well-" said the bus driver, "I was driving to a bus station but suddenly, on the r...
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Where did the little boy go when his lunch box exploded?

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[BREAKING NEWS] A bomb has just exploded in a Paris cheese shop.

Eyewitnesses report there is currently de Brie all over the place.
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What do you call a Bloodletter who’s head has exploded

A popkhorne
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I think Trojan is a bad name for a condom brand...

...because of course, the Trojans were a people whose lives were ruined when a vessel containing little warriors unexpectedly exploded inside their city walls...
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Did you guys hear that the hadron accelerator exploded?

It was mass murder.
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I’m still shocked that my friend died when his cocaine suddenly exploded.

It was a devastating blow.
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Recently, monkeys escaped from an animal testing lab and broke into the adjacent chemistry lab. Some ingested potassium metal and exploded.

There were Rhesus pieces everywhere.
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A native american hitchhiker was picked up by a slick

city man who was driving past the reservation.

As they were driving along, the indian noticed a brown paper bag on the dashboard and inquired as to its contents. The city man replied: "It's a bottle of wine, I got it for my wife".

The Indian looked forward at the road, nodded his head ...

I made a ceramic sculpture of Mohammed Ali but it exploded in the kiln.

It was gaseous clay
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Seems like authorities are reporting a plane has exploded carrying vintage 80s Japanese cars ...

It's raining Datsun cogs

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