If you get an email with a link called "free porn"
Don't opin it, It is a virus wich deactivates your spelcheck
and fcuks up you riting, I also receibed it but lukily I dont
vatch porn so I dint opin it, plaese warm yu frends.
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If you activate a bomb, how do you deactivate it?
Quick answers please.
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In the end, I had to deactivate my malfunctioning fitness avatar.
It just wasn’t working out for me.
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I need some technical advice.
Does anyone know how to deactivate the "Sock hiding" program in the washing machine?
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I have a BREATHTAKING reminder for y'all
Automatic breathing deactivated.
And blinking too lol
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
Voodoo d***. (INAPPROPRIATE)
A man and a woman get married, and they have the best sex. Better than most people would think, and their sexual compatibility is a large part of their relationship. One day, the husband finds out that he needs to go on a business trip that will last a couple of months. He decides that in order to k...
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