
Ugh, French people are such cowards

I saved one and he just kept begging for mercy
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What do you call a group of eight cowards?


What does a survivor of the Food Onomatopoeia war get?

Nom flashbacks.

I know I'm getting reported for this one, but you know you like them. Upvote this you cowards.
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A member of the Senate, known for his hot temper, explodes one day in mid-session and begins to shout,

“Half of this Senate is made up of cowards and corrupt politicians!” All the other senators demand that the angry member withdraw his statement or be removed for the remainder of the session. After a moment to think, the angry senator apologizes. “I’m sorry,” he says. “What I meant to say was half o...
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I visited a haunted house today, and my friends fled in terror.

I've been to this place for the last 271 years and haven't seen a single ghost.

Absolute cowards.
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What do you call cattle that don't have courage?


*Thanks folks, I wrote this when I was 7 years old!*
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Two men are walking through the woods when suddenly voices ring out from the trees.

"You call those muscles?" "I bet your grandma is stronger than you" "I could beat you with one flick"

One of the men shouted into the woods, "Oh yeah? You wanna fight? Show yourself cowards!"

His friend laughed and said, "Just ignore them, those are just the Shit-talking mushrooms."

A man went into a bookstore and complained...

“I bought this book from you yesterday, 'Cowards in History' and all the pages fell out!"

The sales assistant said, “That’s because it has no spine.”
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A man goes back to a bookstore to complain about a recent purchase.

“I bought this book last week called The Biggest Cowards in History, but the minute I opened the book, all of the pages fell out.”

The sales clerk looks at the book and explains, “Well, that’s because it’s got no spine.”
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I can't freakin' believe this!!

So you cowards think you're bad because 4 of you came at me & started crap with me AGAIN?? 4....REALLY??? Now it takes 4 of you to come at me??? I still handled all of you, left one of you on the ground..slapped the crap out of one of you and left blood everywhere, two got away. I just came out ...

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