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Before Darryl Hall's music career took off he was an over the road driver for Quaker Products.

He was literally haul'n oats.

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What's the Quaker man's favorite after dinner delight?

Oatmeal cream pie

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What do you get when you have sex with the Quaker Oats guy?

Oatmeal Creme Pies.

Quaker surprised me about how decisive they were when canceling aunt Jemima.

I expected them to waffle.

My daughter texted me payback for all my dad jokes:

Daughter: Hey Dad I got a job with Quaker.

Me: With Quaker?

Daughter: Yeah, but I'm not a rich girl yet.

Daughter: I'm just haulin oats.

What do you call a religious man with Parkinson's?

A Quaker

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During an ecumenical assembly, a secretary rushed in shouting, β€œThe building is on fire!”

The Methodists prayed in a corner.
The Baptists wondered where they could find water. The Quakers quietly praised God for the blessings that fire brings.
The Lutherans posted a notice on the door announcing the fire was evil.
The Roman Catholics passed the plate to cover the cost of the ...

Bad Luck

I think my luck is getting worse.

I was mugged by a Quaker.

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