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Oldest jokes in human history - Another s*x joke, Ancient Egypt, 1600 BC.

One of the world's oldest joke was found in the Ancient Egyptian story book known as the Westcar Papyrus

It goes:

# "How do you entertain a bored pharaoh?

# "You sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile and urge the pharaoh to go catch a fish."
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What happened to the intern electrician after accidentally shocking himself bc he forgot to wear PPE?

He was grounded.
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Did you hear about the guy who went to the doctor bc he had a headache?

The doctor examined his ear and found money. The doctor kept pulling and pulling it out and found a total of $1,999. Then the doctor said, "no wonder you're not feeling two grand!"
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My wife teases me with ice cream bc she knows I’m lactose intolerant.

She really milks it too.
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Only 50,000 BC kids will get this

Ugga: Ung bung uhh mang Bunga tankun ung

Bunga: Nanga uhh ung tangung uhh...unganun

Ugga: Inga Bunga langa ung ugg Ugga?

Bunga: Ung bunga uhh tangung angu OOK OOOOOK
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An alcoholic having marital problems bc of his drinking..

Goes to the bar and gets so drunk he pukes all over himself. Lamenting that his wife will leave him bc of this, a guy at the bar says "just say someone else puked on you, and that they put a $20 in your shirt pocket to cover the cleaning". Oh what a great idea!

So the drunk returns home, an...

An ancient "your mom" joke, from Ancient Rome, between 63 BC to 14 AD .

"The Emperor Augustus was touring the Empire, when he noticed a man in the crowd who bore a striking resemblance to himself.

"Intrigued he asked: 'Was your mother at one time in service at the Palace?'

"'No your Highness,' he replied, 'but my father was.'"
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Now I know what BC and AC stands for

Before COVID and After COVID
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My wife & I got into a big fight bc she says I'm always exaggerating.

I was so mad I stormed off & tripped over my dick.

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In 450 BC a Greek and a Roman are sitting around, discussing who has more reason to be proud of their heritage

Roman: We are clearly the superior society, after all, we invented aqueducts so cities and fields alike could grow

Greek: Perhaps, but we invented the water mill for grinding abundant grain, so that it could be stored and feed the people. Plus, we developed cartography, mapping out the world....

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My girlfriend and I broke up bc I couldn’t handle that she likes her sex like she likes her burgers....

5 Guys

In 100,000 BC, a man woke up, passed a joint to his wife

...and thus started the stone age!
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Socrates the philosopher

In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day an acquaintance ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about Diogenes?"

"Wait a moment," Socrates replied, "Before you tell me, I'd like you to pass a little test. It...
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A bear walks into a bar in BC

And orders a beer, the bartender says," We don't serve beers to bears in bars in BC". Before he can respond an old lady in the back of the bar says, " Get that filthy bear out of here!", Bear looks over at her, looks back the bartender and says, " I want a beer now." Bartender says,"Sorry we don't ...

Why don't aliens visit Earth

Bc we have 1 star rating...
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Gods office

An every day man died, and floated up to heaven. And at the pearly gates St Peter was there to greet him.

And he said “before we can let you Into heaven we need to check your lie clock first”

‘My lie clock said the man?’ What’s that?

St Peter told him it’s a big clock that ke...
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My wife is into these pimple popping videos on YouTube.

She's completely abcessed.
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My poem about a heavy metal band's best album is being read on British radio

ABCB on ACDC's ace CD on BBC

The CIA, The Mossad and The KGB.

A mummy was found in Egypt, and to determine its age and whatnot, three best forensic teams of the world decided to start a competition.

The CIA went first. They studied the mummy for a year, and then came up with a result: the person lived around 1000 years BC, plus or minus 200 years.
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Wikipedia suggests the third oldest joke in the world has a missing punchline. I’d like to suggest that Reddit’s most upvoted punchline is the true punchline

From the history segment on the Wikipedia article for joke.

The tale of the three ox drivers from Adab completes the three known oldest jokes in the world. This is a comic triple dating back to 1200 BC Adab. It concerns three men seeking justice from a king on the matter of ownership over a ...
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Y did little jimmy cross the road

Bc little jimmy didn't wear hiis seatbelt
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How does a Gen Z-er tell a joke?

Idk bc fml lmao
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How many prostitutes does it take to change a lightbulb?

More than 7, bc my basement is still dark...

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A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children...

"You all have obsessions," he

To the first mother, from Toronto, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy."

He turned to the second Mom, from Montreal, Ann: "Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's...

Two tickets to the super bowl

A good buddy of mine has 2 Super Bowl tix, 40 yard line box seats. He paid $2,500 each but he didn't realize last year when he bought them, it was going to be on the same day as his wedding. Prob bc of the extra game this year.

If you’re interested, he’s looking for someone to take his place...
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A Bear walks into a bar

A Bear walks into a bar in Barnaby BC. Asks the bartender for a beer. The bartender replied " sorry we can't serve bears in Barnaby bc". The bear replied if you don't serve me I will eat the woman at the end of the bar.
The bartender replied sorry.... And the bear ate her... then he wan...
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My wife is mad at me.

She said if I don't get off the computer she will smash my head into the keyboard. I think it might just be a joke thobfufjebwhhwhf8djfnrk727gdbd eu27y d bc uuehwjw 7 8j
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The world's oldest recorded joke in history.

I'm a long-time fan of this sub-reddit and frequent up-voter, but I seldomly have anything funny to post, so here is the oldest joke in recorded history, dating back to 1900 BC (almost 4 thousand years ago from ancient Sumeria):

Q: What is something that has never before occurred since time i...
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I called the library and asked if they could tell me when the Mesozoic Era started.

She said, "About 250 million years ago."

I said, "Could you be more specific? It's for homework."

She said, "Hang on a minute."

She came back and said, "It started September 17, two-hundred and fifty-one million years BC."
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Why does the physicist call everyone when they're stressed?

Bc with a series connection, the voltage is divided.
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Am I people?

Baby chick: Mummy, Mummy, am I people?

Mother hen: No dear, you are chicken.

BC: Mummy, Mummy, was I born?

MH: No dear, you were laid.

BC: Mummy, Mummy, do people get laid?

MH: Some do, and some are chicken.
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Why do dragons never finish anything on time?

bc they like to drag on and on.
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My boyfriend and I had sex in a paleolithic museum

Unfortunately, we're both positive for hepatitis BC, now.

If an apple and an emo kid fall off a tree what hits the ground first?

The apple bc the rope caught the emo kid
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Alerts to Threats in Europe

The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 194...


2000 BC : Here, eat this root.

1000 AD : That root is heathen! Here, say this prayer.

1865 AD : That prayer is superstition! Here, drink this potion.

1935 AD : That potion is snake oil! Here, swallow this pill.

1975 AD : That pill is ineffective! Here take this a...
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An attractive girl looked at me

probably bc I farted but it was the best 4 seconds of my life
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Call Me Biodegradable

Bc I break down really easily

2020 amirite
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Why can’t orphans play baseball?

Bc they don’t know where home is
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Why cant a bicycle stand on his own?

Bc he’s two tired
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Two men are walking through the desert and stumble across a big rock

- Hey, what a weird rock!

- Yes, it looks like a pyramid!

They both dig and discover a huge pyramid.

- Shit! It's a giant pyramid!

- What do we do with this?

- We should notify the American archaeological team. These people are professional and I'm sure they'l...

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So, I named my penis Buddha

Bc often when I rub it, it brings me happiness,peace and mental wealth.

Why does the Mexican Air Force stress out Donald Trump?

Bc he can’t stand the sound of twenty Juan pilots.
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Why are Puerto Ricans & Mexicans discouraged from marrying each other?

Bc their kids will be too lazy to steal.
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Girl, am I a loan offered to ppl with impeccable credit and a long history of timely payments?

Bc I have 0 interest
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The first human migrants to America are about to cross the land bridge between Eastern Russia and Alaska. The navigator seems a bit lost.

The year is 13,000 BC. The first human migrants to America are about to cross the land bridge between Eastern Russia and Alaska. The navigator seems a bit lost.

"You alright?" They ask him, waiting eagerly at the shore with a distant view of the new lands that awaited them.

"Yeah, I th...
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Can your dick touch your asshole?

There’s a grandpa and he has a cigarette. His grandson asks if he can try it and the grandpa asks “can your dick touch your asshole?” The grandson says no. The grandpa says “no, you can’t try it.” The grandpa also has a cup of beer, and the grandson asks if he can try it. The grandpa asks again, “ca...

People say that using your pet name as password is very bad idea...

but my bcQr#1f!e is just so adorable!
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Blondes and a Mummy

Two blondes are looking at an Egyptian mummy.

Blonde 1 : look so many bandages ! Must have been a car accident.

Blonde 2 : yeah ! They have give the license plate number as well , BC 1760
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What did Victoria say to Vancouver?

I'll BC-ing you later.
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What would you call a Russian invasion of Alaska?

Ice [Krim](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%BC)
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Two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff

[Ba dum tssshhh](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcYppAs6ZdI)
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