acrobaticstelevisionjackie chanfilmfeatmoviehinderdwarfimpedegimmickstuntmanacrobatic stuntmaneuverdaredevilproduction

A Mexican actor died while performing stunts for a movie.

During the funeral, his mother walks towards the director and says,

"Jesus died for your scenes."
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[NSFW] What is the difference between a circus and a stripper club?

One is an array of cunning stunts . . .

Steven Seagal still does his own Stunts

He never leaves sitting in chairs to stunt people.
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Remember when radical extremists were just kids pulling sick stunts off on their skateboards?

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If humans doing stunts is called a circus...

Then cars doing stunts should be called a Carcuss
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Good strippers need either cunning stunts..

Or stunning....

I do all my own stunts

But never intentionally.
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What do you call when a cat's doing crazy stunts?

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Why is it that Tom Cruise does his own stunts in every movie?

Because death is the only way out of the Church of Scientology.
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What’s the…

difference between a magic wand and a Policeman’s truncheon?

One’s for cunning stunts.
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A gorilla passes away at the zoo

A gorilla passed away at the zoo right before it opens for the day.
It was the only gorilla in the zoo since they weren't a very profitable creature. However, the gorilla was very popular and the zoo couldnt afford to open without it.

The zoo manager asked one of his employees to wear a ...

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What’s the difference between how daredevils and porn actresses become famous?

Daredevils get famous because of their cunning stunts.

(I thought that one up myself)

I saw a clown drinking an alcoholic drink while doing death defying stunts.

I told him, "That's whiskey."
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We had a friend who liked to take photos of himself doing life-risking stunts for fun. We always discouraged him, but one time he got hit by a train at a railway station because of a stunt.

That time, it was painfully clear to us that he had definitely crossed the line.
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What's the difference between a wizard's wand and a policeman's truncheon?

One is used for cunning stunts, the other is used for...

... apprehending criminals.
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what's the most impressive thing about tom cruise performing his own stunts?

he does it in heels
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What’s the difference between a circus and 5 female line dancers without panties?

I don’t know either, but one sure is a cunning array of stunts.
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What’s the difference between Cirque de Soleil and the Mustang Ranch?

Cirque de Soleil has a cunning array of stunts, while the Mustang Ranch has a stunning array of .....
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Old airforce joke

A C-130 is being escorted by an F-16. The fighter pilot gets bored, pushes the engine and does some stunts. He loops, dives, does a few barrel rolls and has some fun.
He radioes the C-130 pilot: "How was that? Cool, huh?" C-130 pilot radioes back: "That was nothing. I can do something with my be...
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What's the difference between the Japanese precision aerobatic team, and the Rockettes?

The Japanese precision aerobatic team are known for their cunning stunts.

The Cool Clam Club

Deep beneath the ocean there is an exclusive club known for only having the coolest of clams in their midst. This was called the Cool Clam Club.

Now, the Cool Clam Club was known across the seven seas as one of the most prestigious clubs known to seakind due to the fact that their initia...
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Dancer Joke

actually, I don't understand this one,customer told me,then left b4 he explained it to me. ok, he said,
"What is the difference between a lapdancer and a magician." and I said,"What?" and then he said this,twice,since I didn't laugh. "A magician has a cunning stunt."
Then his friends told him...
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One in four people look down on smokers.

More proof that smoking stunts your growth.
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A guy and his girlfriend are in a sportscar...

...the guy is doing daredevil stunts to impress her.
She turns to him, and says, "If you can go over 150 mph, I'll take off all of my clothes."
The guy obliges, and the car speeds down the road at 175mph, so the girlfriend tears all of her clothes off.

The guy loses control of the car...
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[LONG] A joke my uncle told me the other day

A helicopter pilot takes his grandfather along with him on the helicopter and decides to do some stunts in the air.


The first stunt involves flying rapidly towards a mountain and dodging it just in time. After that, the grandfather says: "I expected this."


A C-130 is being escorted by two F-22's

Tired from following the slow-moving plane, one of the F-22 pilots tells his partner, "Hey watch what I can do." With that, he leaves the C-130's side and performs a series of barrel rolls.

"That's nothing" says the second F-22 pilot and he also leaves his spot and does even more spectacular ...
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In memoriam

Rapid Roy was a daredevil who specialized in car stunts. He decided to retire in style and end his career by attempting a canyon jump in the worst car he could find. After doing some digging, he came across a Chevy Nova in an auction in Champagne, LA. It was in bad shape, but he took a chance, wo...
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What is the difference between an event at the X Games and a sorrority?

One is a bunch of Cunning Stunts
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Frenchman in Morocco

A Frenchman seeking some thrills travels to Morocco and decides to go bungee jumping off the top of mosques. As he bounces back into the air, all of the passerby in Morocco are in awe and one Moroccan passerby decides that he wants to try it himself.

He finds the Frenchman at a nearby cafe a...

Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Dam, and Arnold Schwarzenegger

So one day, Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Dam, and Arnold Schwarzenegger were sitting together in a bar, kicking back, drinking a few brews, talking about life and talking about the roles they'd played in movies.

As the three men talked, each was surprised to realize that all three of t...
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So a horse walks into a bar...

...and the bartender asks, "Hey buddy, why the long face?"

The horse looks up and responds, "I'm out of the job! Sarah Jessica Parker started doing her own stunts."
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Very slightly based on a true story

When I was in college, our RA was in a frat, Alpha Chi Rho (usually Chi Rho for short.) They had this setup with some various clubs, athletes usually of some sort, because a lot of them majored in physical therapy and/or massage therapy, where they'd have the guys in the frat give therapy sessions.<...
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