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If a child refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?

Ah, this one got me good :D

I thought I’d be put in jail for resisting arrest

But as it turns out, insomnia isn’t a crime.

I was thinking...

If a parent is trying to put his child to sleep and the child is refusing, wouldn’t it be illegal because technically the child is resisting a rest?

But then I realized it’s a lose-lose situation and it’s illegal either way because if the child willingly goes to sleep it makes it a kid nappi...

I went to court after my pillow charged me with resisting a-rest

I lost the case

What do you call a flock of crows who are resisting the urge to sin?

*A tempted murder*

My baby nephew got apprehended by the police after refusing his usual naptime

He was resisting a rest

I had a party for the worlds greatest historical figures, here are their RSVPs

Isaac Newton: "I'll drop in."

Socrates: "I'll think about it."

Charles Darwin: "I'll wait to see what evolves."

Marie Curie: "I am radiating enthusiasm."

Ivan Pavlov: "I'm positively drooling at the thought."

Albert Einstein: "It will ...

What did the insomniac police officer do?

He shot the bed for resisting a rest.

Two old ladies were sitting at a bus stop smoking cigarettes...

Suddenly it begins to rain. Old lady #1 pulls a condom out of her purse and slips it over her cigarette and continues smoking. Impressed, old lady #2 says, "Whad'ya call that thing and where can I get one?" "You mean this cigarette cover? I get mine down at the pharmacy," Says old lady #1.


Why did the circuit get arrested??

Because it was resisting!!!

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A man gets totally shitfaced after way too much drinks with his friends on a Saturday night, then goes back home. (Long but cute :-)

He has a hard time opening the door, being very careful to not wake up the wife. He starts to climb the stairs to the bedroom, but the world is collapsing every other second around him. He falls, tries to crawl a few more steps, and faints.

Next morning:

He wakes up in pyjamas in bed, ...

Police were called to a day care

Toddler was resisting a rest.

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