Jokes about necrophilia and bestiality are pretty mainstream
Telling them is like beating off a dead horse
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What does mainstream media and viral video have in common?
It's all staged.
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What do you call an elephant that’s no longer mainstream?
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I dont like the fact that the Thailand cave boys have become all famous and mainstream.
I preferred them when they were more Underground
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What is a mainstream media award for accurate, fair and even-handed journalism called?
A pink slip.
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I'm writing a musical about a rag-tag team of Breitbart columnists standing up to the mainstream media elites.
It's called Fake Newsies.
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How do you kill a hippie?
Drown him in the mainstream
Edit: i meant to say hipster! I f up guys haha!
I use to tell good jokes, now i just punch up the fuck line
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Where do you drown a hippie?
In the mainstream (I know it was terrible)
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How do you drowned a hipster?
Throw them in the mainstream.
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I threw a hipster into the Mississippi...
Guess whose mainstream now?
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Why was the hipster fish late to the party?
Because he didn’t take the mainstream.
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Why did the hipsters die of dehydration?
They stayed away from the mainstream.
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Hipster Jokes!
Why did the hipster float down the tributary?
Because the river was too mainstream.
How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Some obscure number you've never heard of.
Why did the hipster burn his mouth when he ate pizza?
Because he ate it be...
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I like to think of terrible pickup lines. Here's my most recent one.
"Hey girl, are you a mainstream, late 90's, early 2000's heavy metal band with a lisp?
Becauthe I'm 'Down with the Thickneth."
Looks her up and down.
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some hipster jokes
Q: What do you call a hipster with a speech impediment? A: Mumblr. Q: Why do hipsters love ice? A: Because ice was water before it was cool. Q: Why are all the ugly chicks hipsters? A: Because beauty is just too Mainstream!Q: How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? ...
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In March 2005, a hipster, rabbi and a priest were walking alongside a river.
"I get 1000 people for every congregation I do" said the Rabbi trying to put forth his importance.
"Well, that's nothing. I get 5000 people for mass every sunday" said the priest, looking extremely smug.
They both looked at the hipster, who didn't seem to give a f*ck about these achie...
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A woman goes shoe shopping and discovers that all of the mainstream brands are out of stock. She yells and complains to the manager until a customer throws an orange at her.
At this, the woman miraculously calms down and immediately leaves the store. Dumbfounded, the manager asks the custome...
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