
Lazy people fact #4564321564

You were too lazy to read that number.

What kind of exercise do lazy people do?


there's no need to be angry at lazy people

they didn't do anything.

Please stop the hate on the lazy people

They didn’t do anything at all

People shouldn’t look down on lazy people.

They haven’t done anything!

I wanted to make a joke about lazy people

But I don’t think it would’ve worked.

What do you call a country full of lazy people?

A procrastination

Why are you guys getting so mad at lazy people?

Theyre doing nothing

Lazy people find the most strangest reasons not to do something.

I would make a list but, it's Monday and I just fed the cats.

I figured out why lazy people are going to love self-driving cars.

It's because they have no drive.

They say self-wearing clothes are for lazy people.

Suit yourselves!

I’ve heard that ‘obsessed’ is a word lazy people use to describe ‘dedication.’

But I would never call my wife lazy.

How many lazy people does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Count for yourself...

The laziest person award

There was an award ceremony for the laziest person in the world. Many lazy people came to the award show but nobody among them was awarded. Turns out the laziest person was too lazy to attend the award show.

So they went to the laziest persons house to give him the award in person. He wa...

3 jokes instead of 3 layers of cake. Let's go!

What is at the bottom of the sea and twitches?
A nervous wreck

Where are all average things made?
The Satisfactory

What kind of exercise do lazy people do?
Diddly Squats


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A bartender is closing down his bar

A bartender is closing down his bar at the end of the evening. Three men remain hunched over at the bar. Each has been there the whole night and has been drinking heavily, but none of them seem to have the strength or desire to strike up a conversation.

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English man, French, American and a Russian are captured by hungry cannibals

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