
Who gets communist jokes?

Everyone ideally

Talk with God

God: you'll be alive for 70-80 years ideally

Man: great! I'll make the most of it!

God: you will be unconscious for 1/3 of your time alive

Man: uh...

God : *leans in* that'll be your favourite part

Is it easy to get a job at a restaurant?

I donโ€™t have a lot of work experience, so ideally Iโ€™d be looking for an entree-level position.

Trouble reading white names

have a hard time reading white names.

Ideally, you should write names in black or another darker color, white just blends into the paper.

What do a gallon of milk and the city of Carthage have in common?

Ideally you only have to sack them once, but we should probably sack them again for good measure.

Spanish/English Joke(s)

I am attending a wedding this weekend. I am gearing up on jokes (sick ones, family ones, racist ones, etc). My best friend's girlfriend primary language is Spanish, but she speaks very good English (not perfect, but pretty damn good). Anywho, I am looking at reddit to help me out with a good Spanish...

A Vampire died and was in the process of being reincarnated...

They asked him, "What would you like to have in your next lifetime?"

"Drinking blood is good but I don't like hunting, ideally I'd like to have a easy supply of fresh blood."

"I also like turning into a bat and flying, so let me retain wings.", he said.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Monkey Business On A Bus

This guy has a monkey and he wants to go down to Florida for spring break, so him and his monkey get on this Greyhound bus and head down. On the way there's a terrible crash. The bus drives off the road and everyone on board dies. It's a horrible bloodbath with body parts scattered everywhere. E...

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