
Crazy exes are like a box of chocolates

They'll kill your dog

Just before breaking up with them, I would treat all my exes to mani-pedis, massages, and give them some spending money.

Father always taught me to leave stuff in better condition than how I found it.

When you keep a database about your exes,

if you make a new cell in a spreadsheet containing information about a previous SO who has gone to jail and is celibate against their will, it is an incel-in-cell ex-Excel cell

I have come to realize that all my exes in Archaeology class are doing better than me

They just seem to have a natural ability to dig up the past.

Two exes are texting..

Male Ex: Just ate a fish taco; it reminded me of you.

Female Ex: What a coincidence, because I ordered a pizza and it came in 20 seconds. It reminded me of you.

My girlfriend asked me how my exes were like

I told her medium rare

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Some Exes are like farts...

By the time you realized they're actually pieces of shit its already too late.

I have no idea how many exes I have

But I can always change my Netflix password

When I die, I want all my exes to carry my coffin to the grave

So that they can let me down one last time

Did you hear that all of Taylor Swift's exes are collaborating on a new album?

It's called "Maybe She's the Problem".

I just found out that two of my exes are related

I knew that head felt familia..

I like my exes suicides how I like my whiskey

On the rocks.

I like my exes like I like my msn messenger

Misremembered fondly but gone forever.

I can honestly say I've learned things from each one of my exes...


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I told my buddy I had a threesome with my crazy exes last night.

"That's fucking nuts", he said.

I thought they'd named a loaf of bread after one of my exes

then I realised it said Thick Cut

I used to date computer programs but that's over now

My girlfriend still worries that I may go back but I reply to her "they're just exes "

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A couple from Alabama got engaged

The wife was still friends with a lot of her exes, but her fiancé didn’t mind. He just didn’t want them at the wedding.

The wife agreed it would be awkward, saying that it would be weird if she invited someone she’s slept with. Her exes were a little upset about not being able to go to her w...

The golfer

A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. As the night progresses, he finds himself with a very attractive woman and they hit it off immediately. He asks her out on a date. "But, before you say yes, I must warn you. I am an amateur golfer. Golfing is my life. Every free moment I'm out golfing. I rea...

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A pig's orgasm usually lasts 30 minutes...

Which is strange because my exes only lasted about 30 seconds.

What do guys who are into short girls and mobile game ads have in common?

They both have small exes.

I'm thinking about getting a job in radio.

All my friends say I've got the voice for radio.

And all my exes say I've got the face for it.

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I always thought I was good at sex

Then I found out all my exes had asthma

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“You just awoke.” Grandpa asks, “Why so blue?”

I reply “It appears I sent a drunk text to five of my exes last night before I slept.”

“I know how you feel.” He goes, “I had the same sadness whenever I did that before I met your granny.”

“You texted?” I ask.

“No,” he says, “Sometimes I’d wake up Sunday morning, open the drawe...

Follow your dreams.........

Text them. Text them again. Show up at their job. Find out if their exes are prettier than you.

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Topical Jokes (5/21)

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