
Following American political discourse and tone is starting to feel a lot like reading.

It’s going from left to right and top to bottom just as fast as your eyes can move.
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The first rule of Thesaurus Club is

that you do not talk, whisper, chatter, mumble, rant, articulate, prattle, babble, describe, divulge, drone, confer, deliberate, squeal, converse, discourse, orate or speak about Thesaurus Club.
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I tried taking a communication class in college....

But ended up hating discourse!!
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Kowalski goes into the ice cream parlor and orders a chocolate ice cream..

”I’m sorry, sir,” says the clerk, ”but we are out of chocolate.”

”Oh,” says Kowalski, ”in that case I will take some chocolate.”

”No, no, sir,” says the clerk, ”you don’t understand. We have run out of chocolate.”

”Oh,” says Kowalski, ”then, just give me some chocolate.”

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A young man sees an old monk

A young man sees an old monk lovingly planting date seeds in his garden, next to his small hut.

A date palm can take almost 15-20 years before it begins to produce fruit. The young man is curious why this old monk is planting date palms.

He approaches the monk, expecting a wonderful d...

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A Day at the University

I posted a joke that gained some popularity before getting deleted for breaking the rules of the community. As there are people who ask me what the joke was, I'll try to reformulate it so that it complies with the rules.

Carrynegie Melon University, Penisylvania. Prof. Mary Armstrong gives a ...

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