
Why don't escaped convicts make good writers?

Because they never finish their sentences
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If you glue two convicts together…

They become confused.
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A convict's first day in prison.

It's a convicts first day in prison. He's a young convict and he's crying. An older convict comes over and sits down.

He says look it's not so bad here. For instance, do you like movies? The new guy says, "Yeah I love movies." Every Monday we have movie night, first run movie.

Do you ...

Why did Great Britain send male convicts to Australia?

To set up a penile colony!
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There should be an urban fishing show that stars released convicts,

and it should be called "Off the Hook".
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Q: How do convicts get drugs while they're in prison?

A: Some asshole brings 'em in.

A police van carrying 12 convicts crashed into a cement mixer

Police are now looking for a dozen hardened criminals
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Apparently the norwegian government pays for you to hire convicts

I guess there are some pro's to hirin a con.
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While driving home I heard on the radio that convicts had escaped a prisoner transport after colliding with a concrete truck.

Authorities say to be on the lookout for hardened criminals.
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A guy goes to a museum

On the tour, the tour guide shows them an exhibition and tells them, "this is the very first, teepee designed to securely hold criminals. The Native Americans used it to house convicts".

The next day, the guy is passing the museum and sees they are taking down the name on the front of the mus...
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Because of the E coli outbreak with romaine, convicts are abstaining from tossing anyone's salad
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