My Grandfather always told me "never wear animal skin hats in the woods during hunting season"
One day I asked him why and he said "Other hunters might try and make conversation with you"
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The big game hunter walked into the bar and bragged to everyone about his hunting skills. Being a good shot, no one could argue with him.
But then he said that they could blindfold him and he would recognize any animal's skin from its feel, and if he could locate the bullet hole, he would even tell them what calibre the bullet was that killed the animal.
He said that he was willing to prove it if they would pay for the drinks a...
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A cannibal walks into a bar...
A cannibal walks into a bar. He's got a bone through his nose, wild hair, wearing animal skins and a knuckle-bone necklace. He has a pronounced brow ridge, sloping forehead, and looks just like a Cro-Magnum cave man.
The bartender says, "We don't serve time-travelers here."
The canniba...
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A hunter sat in a bar.
A hunter walks into a bar, bragging that he can recognize any kind of animal skin by touch alone. When no one seems impressed he adds that he's also able to identify the exact weapon used to kill the animal.
This intrigues the other guests and they decide to put his boast to the test. After w...
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Prehistoric math joke
In a certain tribe, in which polygamy was practiced, a married man’s standing in the tribe depended upon the combined weight of his wives-the greater the combined weight, the more important was the man. Every year, on weighing day and according to custom, the married men would stand their wives on n...
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There was once this Apache Indian
There was once this Apache Indian who had 3 squaws - but none of them were able to bear him a child. A medicine man advised him that animal skins were potent - following his advise, the Apache slept with his 3 squaws on different animal skins - a hippo skin, a jaguar skin & a leopard skin. ...
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A hunter walks into a bar
A hunter walks into a bar and says, "I'm the best hunter there ever was. You hand me a hide, I'll tell you what animal it came from, what killed it, and I'll do it blindfolded." The bartender blindfolds him and hands him an animal skin. He handles it for a few minutes, and then he says, "Bear."...
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Pythagoras Was a Native American
On the banks of a river sat three Indian women, sitting on three different animal skins. On a deer skin was a woman with her son, and the son weighed 140 pounds. On a buffalo skin was another woman, and her son who weighed 160 pounds. And on a hippopotamus skin sat an immense Indian woman, who weigh...
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A legend of the Native Americans
While many people know of Sequoya, the Native American genius who developed the Cherokee alphabet, fewer have heard of another visionary – yet he made a discovery no less groundbreaking, owing nothing to the white man’s knowledge.
It fell out like this: In the early 1800s, a certain chief, ...
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An interesting story
There once was a King of a tribe in Africa. He lived in a huge, round house made of grass, typical of all the others in the village, except that his was the largest. By day he sat on the stump of a tree, which had been brought into his hut, and covered with animal skins. Everyone else sat on the flo...
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