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What do you call Winnie the Pooh’s grandmother?

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what do you call Winnie The Pooh's grandma?

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What does Winnie the Pooh put on his hot dogs?

Honey mustard
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What do Alexander The Great and Winnie The Pooh have in common?

Same middle name.
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Winnie the Pooh and Piglet were having fun at Pooh's house

Piglet accidentally knocked over one of the jars fro. Pooh's stash of honey and it went all over the floor.

Pooh had honey roasted ham for dinner that night.
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Did you hear about the time Winnie The Pooh had sex?

He looked for something sweet and got stuck inside of a different hole!

Why is Winnie the Pooh the worst hacker?

He constantly falls for honeypots
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My wife loves Winnie the Pooh

Told her this while making dinner.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Eeyore who?

Ima Eeyore ass tonight.

Why did Winnie the Pooh cross the road?

Becaus- Censored in China
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What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

They have the same middle name.

*I know you're rolling your eyes, but c'mon—that was at least a little bit funny, right? Right?!?*
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Winnie the Pooh will no longer be eating honey going forward.

He just couldn't bear it.
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I’ve often wondered when A.A. Milne was naming Winnie the Pooh, where he got the name Pooh from..

Then I thought, maybe he just pulled it out of his ass.

What does Xi Jinping and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

They both will do anything for ~~m~~honey.
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When Winnie the Pooh eats honey straight from the jar with his paw, it's cute...

But when I hang around a donkey while wearing nothing but a red t-shirt, someone calls the cops.
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Why did Winnie the Pooh call the police?

Because he saw Christopher Robbin'.
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How do you piss off winnie the pooh?

Stick 2 fingers in his honey.

Fact: Xi Jinping once slept in a house in Iowa

After many many year later...

The husband was watching the news and saw an article about Xi Jinping.

He was very very shocked and said to his wife: 'Hey, do you remember that Chinese guy who used to be at our house?'

The wife said: 'Of course I remember, why are you asking?'
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My long-distance Chinese girlfriend ghosted me.

The last thing I said to her was that I was going to watch Winnie The Pooh with my 4 year old niece...
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Interesting Title Here

Pun time!!

Q: What do you call dental x-rays? A: Tooth pics.

Q: What do you call a group of babies? A: An infantry.

Q: Did you hear about the Italian chef who died? A: He pasta away.

Q: Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? A: Because they lactose.

Q: What do yo...
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How do you get a big international company to kiss your ass?

By dressing up as Winnie the Pooh!
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Husband embraced wife from behind, said : "I love you, honey."

The wife gigled and said : "What are you, Winnie the Pooh?"

The husband shocked and stood back, his eye is full of hurt and been betrayed

The wife noticed immediately and apologized : "I'm sorry, General secretary......
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